Tot MEDAL _HANCHESTER FP FLCSTR, Ps ‘rad, Pee wt Amati at Independent in alt MANCHESTER Pads or Sol atl, ENTERPRISE wW vic LeeLee * tte i Newspaper BEADING BARKETS | overat mace OF UR WORLD! | oa mie bet ti SAPONE laneree Nepean Asarics ein STOO eredeand Pac ib Gato eae Improved. Hay Racks! Fi sd, Blosger Co, Tia aoa aE eet ee cbt ‘i a = oa saa voy & te ope we ge gece ses ene Tey, HOOL OGLE «An Manchester Enterprise, /N. SCHMID & CO. Boss -the Dry-Geods Trade [. 4 Mancheste er alr. — Fall & Winter Stork hes! Mr oa on Vinins tip Sr 1 LOW PRICES. ‘ Will Be Any inducement rile na we ONLY. Teenie Steck of i hoes in Manchest aregaingte JEW Eu ~-Peepats for “Winter be SIMERES, JACKETS, CSBEIW EAR, * EVER SEEN IN WASHTENAW COUNTY, $0,000. ENVELOPES of all tlpping Toes, nyracerts tbearke. ‘oenT's AND uals ‘are CLUB RA 7 Sng eqn erm Hasan ne opie ta toes fe pias BAT b- DLDSSRR, Pobtisher, i GLOTENG Subscribe To-day! hal ae os COMEONE, COME ALLI TO ) EEADOTTANT ER t School ani Miscaliancors Books. Photo and, Aut graph albus. Portmenls Wallets for tire “EN A RICH . ENTERPRISE, (301g Goins and Crown cs per Ls Cont $150 a year. MEIRST-CLASS ‘RUSFALD HOBER. sah SAAS 1 OUT One VAN FUER, WET, 6 LONER, Prope Antepeindeat ie all rugs. Desutedl to State, County ant ome News, “NUL. HeNO, 9 TANCHESTER, MICH, THURSDA MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE rane eo TANCE xP Ket weg. S*PONTIER ae “ CLARK'S o. IN. ToT ies iran to Ye fad Pies a aod 9 LEATIN TLAEBTS EB wordy: ieee ites ae anil = LIST OF DISEASES ae "aS wanED fon THE IGTORLAL JORED amen ie [PRANK LESLES PUBLISHING DUS ee =: A 2, LINENS. 2640 Pot eB,