‘THE CURSE OF Rum sopeees ies ce anes. HISTORY. weSMCRLD on ANTE REE Rite Weim nace | ee ee 3 ae 1878 Hae Grooting ! ! 1879 ee aaa | A471 00 ne _ MANCHESTER HANCHESTER, MICH. Boroled to state, Cx Home News sve. mun ESSA. Pacification Meas- ures Considered. AELATIONS WITH FOREIGN UES, International Pestal Congress, sotto ocd as “Raat J Eeterprise! serine et OKE mee wae hear Adega eee : ENTERPRISE, OFETPIS Frow=rhe RTE omvasee UILEMATE. een fac Adee THER Recor elcome | cba