Adega eee : ENTERPRISE, OFETPIS Frow=rhe RTE omvasee UILEMATE. een fac Adee THER Recor elcome | cba rw = ! Matresses, Springs. Ac. iE UAT PSR ‘nic PURNITURE! ' fun ‘sir ACKEON, Ml ockwiéon Tt, Agel kota ath Novelties, N Notas. &e. Horse Blankets, Without Regard to Gost, 2 TH Prope for Winter ! DEY WOODS HOUSE, “HOLIDAYS. Cc r a t “N. SCHMID & CO. Boss the Dey Goats Te Trade ! Manchester Enterprise, ae NEW GOODS: Drenn Coeds, wis That Beat Them All, : iat intloks &Showls wHisHtica Cheaper than Cheap. WOOLENS, BLARNETS, FLURRELS, REPELLAATS, DERWEAR. CASSIVERES, JAC The CheapestCottonFlannelsin Town Yarns of All Descriptions Oheap. Finem and Most Campicte a ‘Santa Glaus tye This uate. Plone. ta. Seve Your Sony. Tar wi save YOO ST WORE, LARGRST" STOO, mY STOCK, we TIN-WARE- 2 ARES RAT EMA = a ‘us ve onoce say THE Lown Fane aber eter Hoehne Hee Sorter, es. era 8.1 KE WU. RD. READ THIS. “a & BRUE Hat cmerooesr foo MAN TESTER se ENTERPRISE Teetependtent U3 all Chines, thevotil (9 State, Coty and flome Sey THOS iat a TR THURSDAY. DECEMBER [So MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE wrens, (OPIUM 2 aN TELUS Sang TE =| THE CURSE OF URL x er anne fl ee