RD. BLAS Pome WHOLE, 2a OF ASTRO, D, 69M, MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE 4 Osteen tr bie. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ponte ire iro Secor te secant peretar DRY GuebS 8 & SCRE, CLOSING “OUT T Winter Goods! AT coOosT?! THE ANNUAL’ BARE OPPORTUNITY = [Houaay toods, H 2 asco a ust aoaat PHOTOGRAPH ing Out ! Ee SALE, Manchester, Mich. xr -rifoe nEDUoRD. 158 THE NURSERY, “BANNER STORE ! “Furnace fous Fee § Has Commenced at Wralon Blan kate at rt ates ma Gor Carew at Knit WwW. EL POTTLES lac an Wen, Horse Rlauketa 2 are toro a eta oat nt ania fret ast DRUGS, MEDICINES, SCHGOL-BODKS, &f. Meussiex'& Kingsley. __ GRAND DISPLAY aaliinan ct 8 a a LORk.QUT FOR BARGAINE |” cnn sate, NE] ae ND READ THIS, | ENZ & | BRUEGEL hi S pmoar, Hats, Cups, —T SOREMED-S CO. Gaar TING, GEN, | ous Tradetnoressing asing: —— We Strive to Deal Honorably With A. OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST, ~ | | ama xe ng BOOK BINDING. . Toys. ys, Taye, secs a wa A 7 Pn FANCY: GOODS. Pit ar ipID ou KNOWIT IT? MORE Fe a = MAMA Tar oe meres CLUB RATES — {eT aye ovatus ry sed NAT: RLOSER, Pua Tue ieee | MANCHESTR 3 Hiee-Ful Prt 15 Came, Fal Quarts 20-6 . - - a8, E BUTE, rr Independent tn all things. Tevatet tn State, County nnd Tome News. YOR. BL-NOL It ESTER, MICIL, THUE Y PANU AY 3A, 187 MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE CINCINNAT: ses q aannat ———— LEST GP DISEASES: WEXICA LINIMERT 1.S.PINAFORE ch : mages weit Mesa asta i OU peo ERE pp unonas | at Reece: : = afereecs i ES ae. rag tae ee nel maser et Rogie aide ir coaateale Sie as