‘SouhiOF wen igre REE reas bes ol wapeper atvertaine ues au 10 Bpruce Street, New York. nto Per RHC OE AE REO Te con L en OT ed FAR 5 addeose TOW HEWRY, CURRAN & 60.78 Calage Pla, Y MANCHESTER ca. me, Independent Im all toes, Devoted -to State, County and Home News SG) eerie PM ee oh ek meg he is Sang “fe prevents Bas Soe ate esas | dic analanitier = pose = - ast: See (Peeters oe? 9, a bien al mats Ese ee Bree, Seaenee oe Aateereed BPictacag "ths ns eortai iar eae ad een (pices orca oe Soe FRESH ARRIVALS. EVERYTHING NEW teu no PLuW sent Enterprise, Fo acevo BUTTER WANTED, ae ig tit "i Boeky Mona Lwill furnish tubs ané i ‘Beam Plows on. SPRING STOCK, — ss, X will also buy tregh = salted and unsalted Roll Butter. ‘Bost Btock of Man and Boys’ Huts Ever Offered in Manchaster: eS Fur nilure Haun ! a oe ee Se YAN NS AMRUDEECO. | JOEL MELEE. NEW GOODS ! /BANNER STORE. And Still TheyKeep Coming ! Mon, Youths and ‘Boys! Clothing. We Lead All Competiters in tha Opening of 8: ‘THE ONLY GENUINE CHILLED BLOW MADE: x ; Slat Pa, ea fas 2" Ofer 72,000 minde and sold in 1878. New Goods! i dace iti a a regan atas teen HESTER & cuinTroN, “_Gonsisting in paras follows: ae cae HL aw am na . ems - > INSURANCE| 1 Wii aut = Par: eae = Bo S00 vonts Stee a Sait _ y Sr or annomir el ot ARTIST, ey enon HUTS Waa and Gan ST, winnow SHADES, : = ia I ew . eck ‘DOS wi "SORE, _ By reat care fa Oa = a WITH PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. 4 sae 15 ‘Be gilded ; a 3 cx = Come One! Al! anc ait devout Yourselt ofthis the fest ——~ REAL PECUNIARY SPRING BENEFIF: “<<. E¥E2 PLACED WITHIN. YOUR REACH, -. - : ~ sales singe anit LED Reomemer the PATE oats = : ikon evens eee § i i ) ae eee ee Sihers “Qre-PriceGiothing House,” weiragiatnne Be ob dove book th br = eae, ar me Te an = Bing ae : fe : = eeeaesrem® a Sener fore eter aces ah an : ees Soe vernon pear, ere tees ae ~ sone BES emanber see te a eon wueese reget oe Se ne Sree er moore eens : ens oor wire A = : SRY as a TEAR DERE " wItOI MICH. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 870, MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE a ASUNAL RS, ‘bs vesible KeGam or dae. OR FAMILY SOAP MAKIN, I N = gee eon ae iw cect errr peahanty otal ei a a kas na Ss ce. a “Peed itch ee Ret arog ae "Ee Boel | oh nee sete, Ea Tt sage ka ot aa i Sawaqansee Se ve j eo 1 ee WEI he sent to an, Address in the oe states of ise 4 cee a ‘ciety postpaid, ni January 1880 fo is = ¥_CuN re ey Bats! Field, Blosser & Co. ir ain Gagne os Sat | Pep SAE ORS aie Teas =e ae aes cy jeer er ences noe gere e tg a aa ere Slee aar Le ran ie Ee aaa — eee nc = : a oe Gober res ao: Tene ag pear oe Ee