scart ENTERPRISE = 7 mo ua ty Fe A abst Helm for Avera, TRE MA: €1,50P or Yon = eahees case eee : ; ar ea ee a = ce E = = = er ‘ i: ere ent vate 2 ie ree eae * aay memes See ars : aches Be a a Stooge scr St, eee ee ee : piers eae Ss, APONIE! at Fa ae dl see ie Soe = ate ees Arenton: Builderst poo a _ MAN ee Haars ced MMR CUE Sete et, : 1c, ere eet eee seat eee szolllSTORte WO hoe ied Hay R fin ore cf en i ee eld, Blonser Oa. Faerie eee Ue a nel cea 4 om /FOR HALE A sooo gee me stig tis ea - f. Sere itn —-Aeia mame wee z rt ant ist eae ane eee , ‘ iy ee See = OFFicas: orto ewe Yo ni isa fe ae “Behe in na see oie ees Tr eitenter aero _ FRESH “ARRIVALS. Biggest an fest aw nite Hei _EVERYTHING W ‘portnms, EXPOSTTION CALL AND sHB. cera tae cece Cra CgRPETE CURED ‘poten af Bape ety eeaoke Eerie bie tea Ela ete oeeata are tio ie at er = oh That atu Pee real ty ae Se pe = zl ies ‘MWe STORE, winpow shapes, ret Circus. , |: Fa bak A Muth alibi ur 6 Mo ti . aaa antcst-siivest AxD] eae Thisplace eR anit tia roc — ean be ea ftom 10 0 15 per cont, Sane a veiten be ‘Good Nopaancit say Clothing Hoase in Manchester. line cana 00 RD. ‘. GLE-VISES, i ‘The Live Clothier. ‘J-R.JAYNES, 7 Se a er hand eengwopont Sore paaheebrvied “Sey ee zo man Matin sod gtr Chalee Femi eal ef Bi a SS mona AND ‘stiozst DAG, MEDICS, SCHL BUMS, LEADER? race the long Ber “hy of as A BERD OF E: na = + Antividdrat wey RO free neey oF race Seas _ , oe eee as | ‘Aten io cui 12 ft ih tad 90 an Eland, ty ok SE eye FARMING. ~DUPLEMENTS 1 25 at I. PLEMEN'TS | FS 5: paToe Parade Tia ae ale edna oat of and 0 49 the grand este 28 THEE CHUA PST. will bs lol te the Gaklon Cae of tho-Cemipucrge foawn ya tay ea ph ce Boe na Prove Sepia ge Drawer ee ‘Teo Eabitions tal. Docta apenas BIMBLE. ‘HF sdistog sue or aged Bf Reon am waite Prone Te ne ee i Fy en a Sas ep ssl tn ee sel wits aut ahi : ES oo rire ‘pen ag eee dee Bede = Sr aie oer patient sree le a tes fl fn Beg age Feo eth ep | tme rt sad ena he Trt | of ey egeden wane et slam trae ery rind es eo ast oe = LIGHT RUNNING TREE WBEELS, USL DUMPED To Reduce Stock, we sell them for $22.00! ied HARNESS ‘sion Hoosier — "wt Outwa ef a .E. HEWETE, THE PRUIT SEASON SSS a es § > WAN DUYM,MORDOrY “nog Eek RE —Seasonable. “Goode: . es — ronons mm rag Socure Bary ATM. M PHCK'S PIONTHR SLOTAISE TOEEE, 1k, Manat leat Boor to the i Treroted-to- tate; fount nti Homer Rew MANCHESTER. MICHL, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1879. MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE > pea etn erat = ihe aeeS See el meres ee eile St ane Sia ete eae = ens ere oer ie eet ae eee tenn as SA wemewrere— — —Miphars- — | Fos FANCY SOAP Mean = FeaieTar - aa “eat E seta ae oo Haars at mats eter ae asa ee rar qu pogo So lr SPE Seen re gee EEE a ! aa foee ae soe RESETS gt _ eal ae = iwc etn Sa PEs ie perce cert eer = jet Carag oy en 2 mod raat Sar ee ei | aaa 5000 ESC ee = = ack Pee Bie RA cee Se ee = acre i oh Pea eras E “Tonk or| ety ire is eer te Suiag arty we v — arate pe halo mar eae ei ae Rew York, Ue gape asd. rn ex. | Caled Gunes wees tie eaty ej dole fat fhepgn Wel das te he ce Rigi es Sac ens ape |“ Shcon ym. fm rae | Sha a ean tae Nee et PS EE me sage Sees ey ai oe an eeenees = ‘ eae rote Poca edie occ acco | oe. Sea mt fe ak roa pc hi En RCD a "genet oe ta aot con din [ete eae” Edin geet fim e i Src! est Set Stor sie EER sie aa i cia ane ieeetpsye ‘ aia He Peter Sor ees sa ja arte tna ae =i ae Bae ee ee ee rociresleti