INK LESLIE'S wravenganie 1880 POPGLAR OBLIGATIONS. STARSLHEST AN ; iS 3 : r NYT RRP elependian fy all Utiags, Bowoted du State, Coenty aml Usme News, MICU. PHU ESBAY. PECL Y MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE AGeinble Mesum tor Aberen. THE, HOUSEHOLD FOR 1880; sami ae Be ae pe ti 7a Sexe Hardwear. (enon mc aonres. CHARLES ¥. REDTOY. : Charles M. Norton POweRGAS RTTEHS_ a, eee rr ae ME EARS, HCTRSOAS PoegRE Iran Ware, pew. MAHRLE THE TAILOR. MOTE ERE FOUR 1s STRINGER, PiRD OXBFS, a0, sina is ind ‘ata are Fin, Copper, and gheet’ se ee eee CUBIST ‘SS PORUER, SUUT & GAPS. | le i" yas "" DHE GOODS and SLITINGS, CLOAK sai CLOAKINGR- Carpets and House Furnishing & Best Stock of Flannels and Yarns “HATS and CAPS, GLOVES and HOSIERY. THE MOST. ELEGANT ‘Goal Btove ever put on the Market. ENSLER aROTHERD, JEWELRY Tel amd Don't You Forget Mpa desing Cuing o oLorarNe i Embracing ererything in the. line of. uLerers-uLaTeRerres,— — Gent's Furnishing Boots, &e., Boots & Shoe eatoran Tuas AST WS HE RAE . Plate de pape (ora ae, Sip wien A Sn i a bee ch orn a co. BON