© BD HLS Post YOR =NO. MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE A Desirable Metin ter Adverts tLe: $60 Pom Wea, lent in al » ENTERPRISE, ie dite aa ina he er o mnne Lua Notions Manchester Enterprise, wana, Srna x 2 Charles M. Norton : The Spring Caunpuiga 1890 ATPOTTLES...- Me WakiLkh PAPER! r ‘Windaw shades and ‘cet = remUsLATS RRO an cvorsas wersoune, "Fone, tr CROCK E: i nas |assoveame sau apa eg mun remiss eon suovocnt “ee Bee a he rOF HING! Boots, se Hats and Gaps, ‘Tih Copper, ang Sheer tron Ware, oo ‘Those Wanting Goods ce ae: wae ets _— : ee HEATING STONES 3 Andependent in all Devoted to Stat a MANCHESTER, MICH, THURSD. pnOveSTER ENTERPRISE} 5 = AEE pe Packagatn Powder Forts E ‘Gace rota Fa stererraer = Ropes : RED RIVER va Pigs HISTORYorm ORL Wheat 006 Acre: heat Lan TE a tect Seren SHEDS.= WILOLE NO, 608,