MANCHESTER "YT 8 BLSSER, ria Andependent in alt things, Devoted (@ Sule, County and Rome News, VOL. HNO, Ith WANCHESTER, MICH. THUE JANUARY (1981 SRE: BL 80Por Venn .. oo pares ce weaned mode lest le 9 wr ve [Rese aia ef te Sit 4 Sey, | ME my gt yn | oe a mse adn RC ; meets 1 Bao . 7 oe apes —— oan paren ind ter tte er vette Mtl ate tea atone a” el Sr ic ed * ct tae ene, (es ae tam le Sa lr eames ua het yy sing a m3 Ec are ioe Nice [ae EEE os sor | . : a tae “ tee lasor Work, "Reet thers man a ee a we oe Se tm mnie monies ee hed . ea % Nc Sty ewe] Sa ee et : __Mrouesree, xucai papas cree ake mer ted See i aoa eae wae | tects on Stes wish be eeu i a ae ews jin oe meh tn a EUnet sa eae “elo ane ct Soo tee em Sai Mooi aia ee sie ater ae : Bay Usefel Pra cents | 8 Sulted, ~ GwLS ~ nic SENGER:! 1 Books! “Lamps ! HOLIDAY GOODS! Tectite Sen sre ys HGH: CLHRMGESIWP cnocesims, COAL STOVES, * ; “WW HSTMINSTER” Mea Cau 7 WOOD HEATING STOVES, Man ede BUI weesen A af Se = aioe ~15 DAYS! peers re ange cat a ees 2 RS Immense io Barentn Imaumes atrost, : hahaa net cor _ MBER ie, Gloves & Mittens. 2 Our se oe tr ven haters eeu Our Uisters and Visterettes DURCLIB TR IYTRTANEE Fein Sets ~ Wee Call and me aa Success in the Highest Degree! ree : SuSE oy ow : yin og ct aay etiom Prices! in om Sn ene lye he ae mee Pere Pocatey Braz . VERS, The Live Olcthier.” “ie eae ema Sore oa sper nc Sevan Boa ~ MANCIESTER 4 pat, 2 HLA, Poi Iudepenitent in all things. Devoted tn State, County and Home News, "BREE S150 A TERE OF 7 5 Ma NOHESt - Ww YOE. 14-80. 17, MANCHESTE THURSDAY. TAN HOI AWREHESTER ENTERPRISE | _ a Scat (ua hee ota - ' Gein : et - scat er i con. se aiming ae oo iit He weno SAE BE Atonton, SENELESEE! ff Menton, Bato oes ore ESS Ranke) oie, rae ‘te ple oe bee agg Betta