Indepensont in ali things, Devoted to State, Cooly and Hume News, ‘TCHS SLU 4 TEAR 8 LUVANCE. i MANCILBSTER, SICH, THURSDAY, AANU ARYL 2, 1581 NOES ENTER | paca j vec ig wines aie teaeeee oo an ate > MIEMATNN, Soeae ea ae ora ee eet a, _ ‘ = a Oe acral tly ‘Peine, a Toth, ore sie, Fs le tact tes 2 a ee pemearege i — on ae ee f ioc ce erties gta ah] “olbes. sonemwnne, | Zemegees Muhsin Meibe ih| cieenton ts poet fiesta Sat b Sues ww Ayo iF 1 ad ther va ah Eiken ee —E _ lal cee ot ets ad yh 4 tee, Ce ar a a Migs I “| nodose cs 4 ores FE = iad nai ‘ini way oe eg whos ve Sa eee Bee = = Reainias = preteen oS SS Soon Sag de eos i _srreiha send a fo te Sn nt i“ tn nea ed HIST ORYerss WORLD ih onc "woh oe aia eat lca ono mates zs Poet — noes O SIE ee Bees Beer encase ie = ee ee hdr mean Both ee ara any Semin Seeeen i" B paca ee z “ ee i eee SSS) eevee onc eet Sine Tare TS FER Gti wera a rasa at Sach eee Se altel “Beachester ue. naman praee m Eo i mi mes, DO oks! Lamps! HOLIDAY GOODS! A StpHsh Fall ve Wieter Sel aD acess woe Ne Gloves @ Mittens, LUMBER, iat COAL STOVES, | WRSTMINGTER” Maucheater Enterprise WOOD. HEATING STOVSS, by W. KIMBLE, mancheeter, Mich, ibn SHIP ose ; se om 1S Days ANE ARBOR, MIoHtGAN, a ee Soe ole : — . ig St Clothing & beni Furnishing Good: | emoonmms,_ Scar aueeen carers aon aD seo enc in REMNANTS! i VS SLAUGHTERRI KEFUSU REASON, rn is : a EVERY ARTICLE Ty THR STORE AT A SACRIFICE Give Mea Call! about March 1st, Bh po temneens e | wee BARGAIN FOR EVEBYGHE! iw. Fr. Porrnss, | ius, Thirty (DAYS. | | Thisty | Goods Must be Sold Before Bas Clan and seo t om ~-AMleS eee cn sma w CHACHESHL Complete, Stock LURCHHOFERL Independent in all ins, Devoted to Slate, County ahd Home News, ob evens EWTERRIE. EYEWTS OF TRE WEEE swale Mein fr nave | sexs a ‘BusINEDS DIRECTORY. “ re et mpraved “fay Rast — Biceser&c. co. SS py ZCrORIAL LIST ORYsr = WORLD genes SH ee stig es