ENTERPRISE, fA Home News, RENE S50 A THR ADVANGE Hie 1 MANCHESTER fn all thins. Devoted to State. ng Canty MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE SEOs oF THEE WEEK soe oe GBs Pocnee uth ene eaie fer = a “ubeeee ar pe nee < i ena ail Be ‘Stra ane ces sieaca td Rees eee ee a eee spe et ine | Hi eld Fe Manchester Enterprise ee hee: “WwW, Case we LUMBER! FAIL Stick af Them Bs . Coens s “The Grand Celebration ‘At Manchester, July 4th, - July 4th, “Manchester, “THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE” Gana Ww, HH. PorTrTnLE! F Grand Display af hs inmense Stock DRY goons, Carpets, BoOoTSs ana SHOES ©. 8, LEWIS & ©9., Manchester. qeanon en “Deszing Twine Binder. spare Precbere. Be: ‘mers we rool Fifth and Finest 7 ee at MILEY & CARB! = » Millingry Y TARO a ABLE a rat rank ye Ana Fancy Goods, Forniturk ae JACO. ll. DEALY'S, ne Great One Price ‘OBS ‘roviion ‘ioe! NIGK, SENGER de Clothing. Hats & Gaps coe dy a = a srt Mizcettannous Tir. Canhlia's New Bork, om or about June (5iy 1881, ‘ome rina se $B pees ina Bases 3 _Butars Crockery igen ‘wi w BEIR sit er. rye LO BELUBLERARDWARL milinery Goods! y Great Beresine Minags Fester’s arm ig at chy pret aa fue pain Bre Aare sce init rm ue st ibaa, Jina Spe rk #2 Our Speciat Offering? ce. oneep for Heady Pay" tw Manchester. 7 Lge? aND BEAY? ARSE 2 MY PRICES ARE to BILVERS, ‘The Live oi = ‘Serra ene ee nin esa Sn ec eee ee Se |e Ferenc Sasccole rcs 1 St ee REMEDY we stim SS ae eet i aed NOFEE ss," : Ses oy a a Fentraite meal rro ane Sieiminnaicn aeeaetial SPEARS herp its & ee a SEER? eS 09 Rowand Rewara 1. GRAGIN & 604°S PHILADELPHIA, PA ‘BOOK Exe BANGR,, oR panes oO. scar ENTERPRISE x | [SuWs oF rau was “SHUN: @1.80S.r Vem, \ ges oi a Bettina Staite ey nine ea Nose aoe 2S so |e poveer mer te nome eet rt | Eger a i | cee