xO. 4 ances EATERPRISE NEWS UF THE WEEK, Sndepentent in all things. ENTERPRISE, Devoted to State, County and Homie News. CHARLES JULES OUITKAU, seeking (he Life of Presiden Tragic Scenes in the Washing ten Depot, improved i a, Field, Bio ht =" = 2 | pep eee nee wie Peed eel chmroenn spelen ey, |e De ae ae areal i; ies a fu PRs The Grand Celebration . 3 : atte Manchester, July 4th, : - RETURNED “THE PEOPLE’S SHOE STORE” : c z Fa, : ~ FROM THE EASTI OTS and SHORS SHOP OWA HORSE CLUBS, Bataing ‘Ana Fanoy Goods, Bscause it is the Best. Dewing ‘Twine Binder. {W, FEINIBI.E, Agent, Manchester Mich. Millinery Goods ! Dry Goods and Carpets — eee F = erie = . fens [Mardware,, See “(Fresh HoastadOOPPEE. EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES 1 HL. POTTLE. Pe , POE r. ‘TA00Bs i Hata, &o.— iinomon, Etbopraphe! ~ : i _ ~ Call on Him when in Ann hrbor, : : : — pou nun EERE | Lar puotues eRiamen we ae : = " % i. Yun PETS, MORDOR? 6 005: senpeenr =~ “TORT 5. acOBS. . Independent in all things. Devatel to State, Oounty and Home Newa 1 v Pope, pe: iklnd ty B. PINKHAMS fail ibs, ao HNO, feat TER _pireense| SEM OF THE WEEE. eects And th Exeaia Mana « ord Mare Coe 4 Ha 3 eae FORSALE BY AL, ORUGEISTS L it Ft Hi Ze eguiaens 2 ese ass ieee s eel net Mf] i Hie ea iF EB Chao Cousens © see { Ua Eres = PLE ae ai pa alte Beet nse SeinsLes, coe ae