a peel Ce Fain ff cra, dl a TART, Hy ccmr. Ole f] serzios oie : z i 7 ms 7 MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE‘ spay uF THE we. i alc, oreoue AUC OBICOITS. = Bare veh ia LE REVISION identi itaras, haere ae ine tity ore _ ee ag Vint ree ° i mad ivan “Eran " malinee Brees Aton, Crockery Th pb C) People 'sShoe Store . RAHEY MUL OBA ast GULLS & OAR Soar rane wee Ligure a8 HEAVY Halas Teen ” AuovE are vac! HRS-SUS GROCERIES) EY & oan * Ape mover 6e ac pee we em Agent, Manchester, Nich. nn CMMHRLE CHOUCE Te & COREE, : Suitable! for the Season ERS | SALE of the SEASON HANCE YET! TS Biases — RAFTER, eee ~ Furniture! mM. BEALYS, Ann Arbor, - Mich., “ao Ut wor a. ox Dames Wala Teas an totes, Tare sie: Clothing AOE r. 74coRs 1! at OW EPA BANS Spring Tooth Harrow! te * KENSLER BROTHERS, 7 _ HORE — PHOTOGRAPHY _ Great Bargains nna ater wane > Seasons POR THE BEST WILL MADE. 22 = SE pea | MAVIIRSTER : = ae om AX sete Se sin oes roca OES " MAN ( . Ny) dL ar 3 0, race 7 sndewatent iva is Drttet te Nate Cty ant Tame Sows IANCIESTER, MICH LIERSDAY, AUGUST 4 IS8t WHOLE X07 XOLMANO. 16, wvcoatee ENTERPRISE | NEN OF 1 nite Le ae sable edu lar Aiverera TRIMS: 81,507 Yar ee ot ego ‘ar aay }-ETGRAGIN & COs; ine evk Deh e | p inmiad PHILADELPHIA, Pa [oleate ‘SeTRAatay rg BELERETON REVISION = Sa” cess ge ae Sees ore