Latest News from Washington! FOR 30 DAYS, FROM ANUARY 1, 2, ‘Something Important and Exiraordinay Wi Take Place NEW YEARS BULLETIN’ : MAMMOTH Stock of Furniture VERS. ‘The Live Clothier (Saeed —~ = KW MEAN BUSINESS “WE UNE TH PRT sme STOCK OF THE ABIVE GOOD! Id SOUTHERN_MICHTGAN, And inorder bs Gonstidate our Tew Slrte dy Feirvary PA, 1866, : Preresats, Ulsters, Heavy Suits for Men & Boys suo HMR HNN BESsac BICDIVG, _ 3 NAOTIRL SURATREL sates Reptm oe hort ton 3 Plecures Pram ai ~ Elaize SELPSIPPORTENG BAFTER, Ysa Haan Rs VAST ONIX 30 Dawes. — SHLVERS, "THE LIVE CLOPHIER MANCHESTER, MICHIGAN. Par ETE eka? we Ui bed face, with leog ell of eg owe See eget SL et ice nd Ln, |S Bene "Theabur ece e Ee ie chee read i : err zy ia tte Bia it ie ft Ha) sieLiteeiheall my ‘prices ARE Lo 25 Per Cent. ov (é Off * Complete son steoans, C. AL Fausel Re “ matne’ Sireet, Adrian, fui “foams ‘Boots & Shoos, Huts & Caps. Wink é& Seal Furs, Heid Gd AT OUST! wotshee cneaewet TERMS eusy Fay. Glonous “portunity! T siLvERWaRR, S Rewsy Fay pporumy Mattrose: eb a AOTERTSTANIT ——- 25 porettes n Cost Toit Soe ana ae Brsts hi Clothing, Hats « Gags, * ae mee Kensler Bros., Booms, ns! Furishing © Thrill pet miwetig pour + Mw Loar ial Daly's See the Business We re Doing!!! mS i “Furnitur @, Mave Mor ~ cream | 1 Pttt Bag WUITRE & ROS . ; : ee, ne KENSLER BROTHERS, * er crocesien! wom sa — “People’s § Shoe Beare.” > WALL PAPERS! Roots red Shoox. Mars and Ca} City Hiroery and China Sto “ i ‘AT COST, TOR paced DAYS ONLY! BAILEY.& GARR, wesrise rove an -cosT SALeEc Wartwar E haere renters Entire Stock of Stoves & Hardware| oress 2 Odean fer Ready Fay! pean es ZEINEILE,