Furniture and Carpets. he sce 2 "G &e aS el Mitudine ee: CLOBER 26, 18 Zye STORY, Tene gh 2% img Se ae “enh Anvived - ana wan on 0a Bary aot an Soares yaar eansnee fo Beteer Aor “BOOTS Az ent of Horse Blaikets Ere Se asim rectnees Tnre “L ie ey onan Gow tne ee —LPS tangent oat of ods 1 eteorme fa, | 2s Manchester Se SHAE: Tropa very Department. ators a READ LoS “EwreR Pris CENTS) sa 25-en Sam Fi aT O. BLodsan, Publisher: aPaeaaie BOOTS AND! SHOES: ae bdo id enue foe “Bs: ‘om FAMGLY ‘oncczaies, | Pia Promina Seoalt l, BEALY. SS ee Serene mre est eer ate at a eee Sie sane nan = ‘semascfrenie ae oes =a eal moe neers a fa ee Beles: Ae ae er A aiooee L, WATKINS, a ir xT SST @L AMPS : iG Salicperrnae hee orsry, Hall andj Stand [LAMPS TRON AND WOOD POMS. Se ve a settee ais - nen : a 2S a b tk amon / Flowers, , : Bare iW ‘avid Cortred "BED ‘BLANKET! Better auger ue | Store, NEW i =u : sears ——" ta af i Sa) - - |e sage : oe —— = Chee a Skee : ware ower ee: rena —2 ~ = Qo: wn worth of DRY.GOODs, sen ti seme, | Eee a : aE Exe : He na Lweked CUTLERY | Fe [ - TS 3 ors ‘eanatuy oe et on - =a ima Banke ‘D. BLOSOER, Pubtiahor, wmey oes ane car Manchevisr Enisipeive_ «fae — ‘stock -vE ot KENSLER BROTHERS. Miscellaneous Rook RON agli so tne ‘ ac 4 Rott, se ES eo sb ak eae | * yy PuGTOURAPHY| [WARRANTED NOT ‘1 PA RL.O =, © | And Ghiamiber Buiteo, = eee Refined Aut he Premed ‘Whitnoy: Carriages, Woieteseor Eerie tte reamed ESS CS An oe, OTS AID SHOES - ie ‘at carpet, Our Tange stuck of GROGERIES,| ng : KENSLER BROTHERS. | Aatrous Steet, Mnchester miengan, = Loe ae som ade aoe Jaron Fest wunsettn sma