WANCTIESTER YO. 16-NO- 4 ma MANCHESTER owe ouinrs waa) pawe ay "soma? “surpivure and Carpe SE oun ger tm aes, CHAS. i. SEW. “RRANOE, Branenester. Mich. ‘Cheap for Ready Pay: “D, I. ARTO NI a iMtauchester Enterprise Pte HORE &: TOMPKIAS Manchester Enteryrise, . eta Musctianeoue, FROM— J. H. MILLER & €0’8 CARH SvoRE. Cigars and Tobacco. a ees ie Made tr Brake cooeateioe eee Suro ut a a ere naa dent eed oon = Beet tarts ed oa im be nates sient aichagiel meh wees con ousomething in this spice claecaw WILT sonpaisn 3 our. SEP ERSES GEE ore SLRs sents Washtenaw ‘Sournal. ~ complete Stook _EaBK of Noche, Jolid Sterling Silvee Ware SPECTACLES = ratan ness uy Paices ARE LOW! ‘Alanwany iE a pa ‘ile ae 9 Be hog ea i et he ee erence eis st byte, ead he PH 16 bie ey, Fe bea Pts torso Ge, on, Mean {idoetan us le Ser fi tea 2. FISH, HAMS, vm ‘wit hus shen bl 2 seaee “| be. on Wa daites ae Mes, kad See fe co eer pen eral. tin pone, fee pooner pan ae va. toe : iM lige amet 36 ba, Satur Balt, 4600, Full Hine ‘f vate of ail is, ‘se Bee eo ea m7 Crpoliiy, Glan os [sahara | Ra ou ee Be 8 ata at 2 a of TOE Gos oli Bona cence lie aon ah = ‘ob she SLE - & 7 recs tl SES a ELLE a Dette Sorte 6 ct AE nS ‘BEHOLD THE THE PROOF! née Simplicity Complication , SLX PIECES | amare “ioe and fr te ng Binder ollie Simple st Machine is i _ [ME saved ta the atvost ‘014 18 MONEY. The above Statement “Cannot be Deniad T :1., — Mauchestee Eoierprtar Ten ap Hee, READY FOR BUSINESS! THE CORNER DRUG STORE Cc. Fausci, Ne Teas, Coffees & 2 Spices, WALL PAPERS! a low. norwelly KIRCHHOFER, Wh sat ‘eT A GoaD BARGAIN, wasProduce taken in Exchange tor Geode. DRUGS, eS, : PuIST STATIONERY “OF ALL KINDS! MANCHESTER MICHIGAN. GERMAN 3 BOOe st Ge Bi lps dh, aun sees: a eed cea a ons PS se ow oe =o Palsy House = ee TER, MICHIGAN, . =| rans a STORE ennmas an oe German ‘Storie: _Saterprise Frutlshing Bouse, se, nt. Tere Phrvicane,