ENTERPRISE, Lest DOU BL t. WHOLE NO. 1011, READY-MADE CLOTHING! isa mistaken one. v price is a mistaken, ou can’t get the kind to depend on without a high though wi DAYLIGHT CLOTHING HOUSE, MANCHESTER NMitCtHIGAN. They have the Largest and Choicest collection that evor graced the city. a prices are "UNQUESTIONABLY THE LOWEST, Hats, Cops, ~ TRY THIEL uarantee Fit and Finish we will prove thut ow ROBISON & KOEBBE, [pe orn oe - = VTE eae N be z a, ALL. NOBLE,. “ ‘The Leading Clothier and Hatter st Emmorts Ann Arbor has rocently rerurned Veena onc Apia d Now York wa ten ay rome ‘ Sthore he made seloction ~ ‘of the Fin of _ Suits and Overooats in Corkderew Suits tor Dress Wear, ‘prices were never #0 low. $10, $12 and $15 Buying an Flegant Suit. Our ALI & DAY | | tes. Visit Aon Arbor and the (Children's Department rmacs oneas, Eg overloaded with handsome novel: * StarClothing House ‘Bargains. ~ Handsome Goods and Genuine — Because we Buy 3 Move Goods, have Eaxger Patronaag fund cell at Lower Prices than any firm in tow! ‘Very ‘cheap: § Pounds. of No, 1,Toa for $1, and, Sugars for less than they can be bought for. BOOTS. SHIOES & RUBBERS BIG "t/a VERY CHEAP ot STOCK TO SELECT FROM.” Mx faot,: We Lead the Market, because _We Pay th Highest Murkst Price In cas "ABET for Butter and Eggs, and we buy moro than all the others combined. We ie Them AD Out om —-FPRUIT, CANS!-— and see if it 15 not s.solid fact. KENSLER~ BROS. es Sia Dry Goods We Excel, iaud we want every reader of the Entarprise to Coll =. | 600 1 NEW CLOAKS Juckote, Newmarkets, Wraps. Ete, Ao Mises and Ghildrow's Garments, — » NEW DRESS GOODS yriving Dally: sevens Batre TSHR Ti. “INow Goods in Every Department, Call ov flea Tt win Pay Tou TW. &S, W. . ANDERSON & 60., * ‘0 BE HAPPY! RE MARRIED) is soir Rew ol v9 Og Hw hy ig Fa 0 t 7p frie ll ove ne ws oo ae are a hi aml meses Bai te ‘8b, Mouldings, me Div a wR wae. troken ins, wed Lave pct shen all ans cu sth Ce Sacin wthea,Thy l Ak Torviag, Waning, | : etoN Saving, vl ‘how T wll sepa olan of Bargvi, ER First Class Style. f 1G) Lawe-Prived- Cotbien, Toll inbred ce A mo 5}, ell and set seman He cople’s Shoe Store ¢ aes Wadies en. {ox tates coat Be a a 0 20. ane. 1 Ben ete Bata, nin dee Enterprise Ofitce. Make Mo Othex| "=" tevin inate Want Nice Bread, omnes SCHOOL SHOES; ne 8:8 8) aw fOUR UNLON “SbHLOOLI, if inn cam ‘8 Furniture Parlor Suites, ‘ Chambs: * Bete, Fa For Family Uses” bea TES. oc = B A elu ft a, ‘WantGolumnt ~JOnly One Gent 2 Word, oo fee sof "30 CENTS! ‘TRE ENTERPRISE—— Sewing Machine .... eanaen sxurs Our Farmers’ Glib’ Reports Jackson, Lenawee and Washtenaw COUNTY NEWS. i : ai nites [Only One Cent » Word. Ivison I ISCHOOL BOOKS| I One Price Clothiers! a ae Are Now Receiving Their “CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS AND GLOVES! And GUARANTEE that It. WiLL PAY ANYONE ~ I _FALL AND WINTER STOCK 'Plash Card Cages! IN THE COUNTY. — “F.Jacobs &-Conipanyy 4NN ARBOR. - want of anything in the aboye lines to =~ Call act at Ann hr Mich, Onur Btock is the LARGEST, and UR PRICES ARE. THE LOWEST _ "eon |ONE- HALF VALUE Now. Sell For 51.00 ceo ROE HATS at Kt RAN “UNDERWEAR r New Drs Goat, imag, BC ors Macomber Bros. ee CLOARS! os oH sem J. H. KINGSLEY. cS. LEN AND ce. Coal and -Wood HEATING. STOVES, ‘Oil cloths, Pipes, on “hte Bes ome Furnishing Hrdw: “curiery. ‘Tin Ware nnd Granite Ware.