_MANCITES "ER | ENTHRPRISE. — ag kgnes prs Ts Gihmes wm cooiy, TLISENSER AUCTIONEER, Gaaern survok a cranes meen cca |S ScziTeAL MEAT MARK He won savines wane a epi. $95,000. Tet | ee F ov « | ae So te Geren cof Jenene eas PESLSSULA i SE ceca ins Hy aE, yi yell 7 i [nacumarisn’=: lala Pees rele ears yateriakers Cor ~f SSESE lcenggo Averioneen, Peel reece ii Hf Se sISCOVERED a é pee ee ees Sinserr At Freeman House, Wve he wil cae all te deen Pree of Gharge. Vrs thal are being th you ave The corset Thing: “he feged ol i you eaten oot wold ise wenn if catindy er Hae ‘igang :| ‘Fooum, Marz & Co. = ADIES tee : “Kid Glovesa. pve cor esta 0 be ome, Tine Chiffons, Viek’s Floral Guide, Seal Me na! Ba. reliable, comics cvs ng oad 1B0t * Rochester MY. JAMES VICKS SONS. The Freese-Whittelsey Co. WAY Er ARE PREPABED TO-SELL Will Not Be Undersold. ‘The Detroit Evening News. ptm prises Bigg Your Good Butter and Eggs ethers, We bas. A Fresh Stock of Coffues A: rornable prion, Frosh Garden md jon onal, | a. SCHAIBLE & HENDERSHOTT, Meschester Enterprise New Spring Caspats, Now Spring Dress Goods New Black Dress Goad HALL 8 Vogetabie Sicilian t Low Pricesa_ Doult wasn wee Wea I ry ih ier, HEAVY HARDWARE, + we BUGGIES, WAGONS, od ull Mods of Fiow TImplesents, MPS AND WIND-MILLS, pererencen a rr TY BOX€S ste One of Mrs, Pinkham's Talks Tore . Ter ALABASTINE.: Tr WON'T ROE OFF. ToTBLEREN, owing “ALL THE GOLD IN THE WORL