ame ay AFresh. srg Anas Window Shades arp. oc oye ans ye ke a ‘Ladies’ Walking Shoes Fas mats ams raent gt og. They ore on eel mn Bad Tasten_ sete Nonkre Coll nt Sepiing nas fe outa ure Bese hes yo base Ths Conregt Thing. ‘Painting? ‘urge yates ie sony tele We Hove me woul if yan eat at eee _m ROBISON. & KOEBBE. We Take ke Pleasure... 0 one Hn attention t {ov eon opzing tre, Sole i ae -— hint, Lace, Nol Labi, Wie Seoin, fo rat Hoo Ladies! menue 7 sent sive aaa ostenme ain How To Cat ¥ Cat Your Own Clothing goneeur Stripes, Moiasoline Bail d' Or, ee Marx & 00, W. ANDERS The Whi Frome Double Bure, Now Spring Carpeta, New Spring DresaGoods, N bo) ™, The Evening Ne News§ wane ‘et ieee a iter io gt The Tonle Pe tm PV aly dvs En i PEPCEE REL OEEE! fons pes The Ev vening New News, Detroit. ee Shee : eS Oe SEATON W. ANDERSON, * Yer are fw: goe bes i . j. = aT a oe XML Are You Locking ae iia ‘ iat samen fea pinot ny EUMEERE CORPS... ES] eo Morcnener Enters x LL Gnd net jus as go rest pa tl bling ve eepring. Tez High Grate Stock: At Low Pricesa_ eo, Dower area wo. Were ‘ae ot bog stesso so RE ae a tae ot Se et a Sl Borng a Son he HES ot one nilon fr el mms sgeeet ln ane a ae SERRE weock in micnigon, ae rinnm Valley, Thee -whn come we Tolle Synge cad ee : or ith ee ae Peer i Their Produce | ae Bice ang aa %, ephons ae ease a enol o ‘Candies! *=-Glothing Wi Vanish Chrismas Candies 7 rented peers rgd TO) OB, Steinkobl, perhes me, - 308 ee son : ae PARLOR ‘Sorte! oe : etic Specials for Saturday: it Fine ae == ee MANCHESTER 98% ENTERPRISE Why Don’t You aie the ‘Loadt ° ton ares eae eothoman iatepe gem so. tad fies in ase sted te SUE Se alee al ant ae saree cine aoay ema igi vom, CENA MEAT AE ™ sz $05 Harford Bicycles gn 875 0 $00 | ante Wines Ue Barn Ee ronan a or: FRESHUAGERBEER |e nar Shen ersoorannars Oghremnrt e om Aegon eee