Ideal T Recreation Spo: Ine te Oo : = long ake Michigan yy Pe-ru-na of Catarch of Stomach After Doctors Fated. ate Atte J Dh Hak, Comgsnan = festararWisean seg te nate an aa creed inger Ba Each oe 7 Ba ris, 4 Sa L, Bpvsteas ave sugaeon ik ee aie es cua ogress er Sate Sete en = Ronee: tee = OLD LONDON CHURCHES waster Ent IN PICTURESQUE DECAY. ORE MAN WHO LIVES IN PIANO: BOX. BALTIM SOLDIERS BELIEVE IN c HARMS AND SPELLS. a Poe A GREAT DISCOUNT. SALE S sOR- DRY GOODS. [ -AT- ‘The Fruit Season aes have aa to put Feit i TOS Wierrsqes ces Fou wal ale sys tod chr Freshest and Bess Fi a CANNED — gmp. “G00DS.; sruaecsa ee You ¢an have the MANCHESTER- (TERPRISE ‘The balance of the year for 40 cents You will get All the Hame and Neighborhood News. cod nate nema Se ane ree saloon Snare ae reise re ce ae Prenat beprear] oe i oe : eat Aly ep mug Joo neo bn sate tn oo a oh he Settee ro tf ie es SE | ve Ba ee, WINL GIVE_A GOOD CHAMBER SY. WITH aur Sauriy, Se < 1902 ar Satan sgcainy om She at Sts hog te te het for Oe Sb el gos goed eo Be uence 2 Sent gray aie = oon “re ae nls w. FREESE & So aS Son. at yok ae caing Satin Toon eae th en 7 UpToDate Groceries = TUR FAST SIDR sT0xf, Jae jagger, 1 Dietle & Co. at mule [BS Basy Enough _- ~ hous Turse One of ihe Prettion es aE “he sete : : ‘ummer “Resorts S ore fhan Realize pao rr ae icra Si ett log ua Hever dey iil _ ET BOT ioe, ESTER ROLLER MILLA and that here, Fhe Shoeeane ace ns by "once ai” TWHARPER, . ‘ axe on ‘e.g Win ine sow Yaratee of wot Whoa For Bale : Yooum, Marx & Co. : f Hundred Yeuss from now jf there ara: Roofing onthe rer tetay asgoodas ff rhat erecyene has i ind ‘eect tata <— a se ye nel hee | ta pe debe std et Be onate"| ay a Dae im apoicanee cies hy ees al ho lat oe oto ene li # eins if i ill Be eae 3 |e : ee ce i ae iy sore ee Tee Miereste Segre : Se Be 2, SS See ee cee pear repens 2 ee Soe __= ae aes ere ua sei oa | seer MANCHESTER Es ENTERPEISE, F ficewgen, aueronee