F ficewgen, aueronee “DISCOUNT. SALE ° DRY GOODS SEATON W. ANDERSON'S For Pasticulas, Chall el Se vod Tre can ge rt dm ° cae ioe are Foe a ale did tor Bronvost and Beat Brut ato sha pea demand in bt sua al tp eae aud wil dover prope feet Bs shen it Bring yout good Butsér ed Fggy to my wad git the Light wow. | wed FRED D BORATELE, RAM. 12. fy at 10 3. ie Flxigg Wom v4 Seay Show fr thn a” = al tbat Taba Tak ia Yes, My Boy = You can have the, P_ MANCHESTER D_ENTERPRISE TH The balance of = the yearior Meme” You will ger-——~ ‘ca. All the Home and Neighborhood News, a au peter | 00 sot aaa ee 2 al meet ae Raia ew Se etl ig ents mtel il 8 ing cum) a ee 4 SSeseone eon aa cd ara Sar pace. Se a On abe re (EE time Aoaran I ae fam speseeseehsct ce a See eaten ara re its a Le [esa wr a sme er i jatar says = en ee om vi wore pta in seo = Zeacg eo Oy owe tt eso ake To Srmrcne he sae a Sper! era ee Sandan ems esare eed areas 5 ee "hoo he se al ea ce fans i Sono nn, narrate eee feet t ooe| seers Shae shat eee ‘ite ‘bg ene ete NTI BER Hi TO 30.1908 ONE OF THE GREAT FAIRS OF {E MIDDLE WEST. fang, nero sae ai aly case ate) Chamber Sete a oto BA GoTHANTER SEX SHH. Ry sire-soub During the Next 80 Days. By ee JENTER & RAUSCHENBERGER- Facer! Dinecon ive il ie yo fal oon fy I wl 3 be. eae A ies, aaa ee a iin ase Uae te, tials Mee et Sette. or ns eal SEE FRONT or Fl i oe etek: lam oa LW. TREESE & Son: Fruits“ sie Fe ale oe 1 Bilpapply ll bing ia Groceries ‘TeDate 2 SIME RAST SIDS STORE | Jaeger er-Dietle & Oo. [THE MICHIGAN STATE FAIRt = ¢ Fertilizer Drill t Rent if Desired. sfaNOMMSTER KOLLER MILES Foi P. 81H bape mow Vashon of. send What Wor Sela ones ase wee = Hundred Years from now there may be a Rooflog onthe market as good as. freenemarrnr ts iat ey ot Pure, Fersianent Wall © Thera, They are chesp in the an GSE Tae Hee kip Sioneonas of Salt Se -B eas = EAE —_ - chin saa Tay fv nel tot ituy tte puonion Tee mar by meet ind li end Gui wate, Iw ersinly'& Sr pleu. Tat ‘That old we’ may be U6 ox po Dyhold Fever exaerlly soi ater. “Ton gana. ES 00 exer a tran oh rk, Ag ine Story ee 4 ot eon, come foie Those ik “Whatever joa tet ae a ite ay rn NCHESTER ENTERPRISE. worpey tao wr oat Panicter tomes if You Want. Tin Work Done|== : be: ‘a - nm Coms-ty Seen iy hemetoutin ET. Mustang i i ent ws SIKTY YEARS od