“MANCHESTER _! = Michigan Items ns [SEE ane suena toes - " agence ore a. SU Sete aa ppeen nwie "rei ies Sage a ane Sat "Bel axl tet ieee oe = Spies ret 2 ag Se a= nen = DESOLATION MARKS THE re Net Bo he Ch ace COURSE OF HE Le saeaana i hein nid Ba psancuentine amen icy af Catia Now a Mieco DR itige caste of Se Angoe One of tx i sg Rae jChild Slavery in Mills, Hawthorne Had Little Use For Politicis THE STRIKE 18. ENDED. We ne so 0 br Minepestor oe Enon ot hate» a Shs esr oun se aiy Ne eae or Byrn Sine | eae! sears Preaiice SR” 9B ca acs = Ja dound to oie and) soa ought Ve prepited: Cone Su aed we on” Rubbers, tuber Boots,. Joyes, Mittens. _ nderwear. ~ We lave Inst am tar GG ad crepe i. Don't + Forget to Order : nae va enn See ec ae % oe J.FRED | SCHAIBLE in| Beane See jogo! a 2 For 10-dayS only, we will offer ow tite stock” of Dry : Goode, _ Shon 3 a wed ree cc = isl pay yo of this I=day z “ll Lala! Voderene, Be fa AVM Rery eed Dados te ftse s-¥A6 hoes —— SL. pee i ee "Fone seein Bon et veal ate PER oR ay Serie RUINS Sever aatenrusunretiagen ooo 2S gee Seance wt seraee 2) Ga Ty warring seh foarte i di Se ra pms creat ™) es pe ia ne sees gene CAPACITY! ie vs Arbitration a ttle Labor Grand Annivorsary Sale! Nighi cet Price for Wheat and Corn, Hay Mongh or Hue Com OFFER, ‘Soucheaer Boller 3A A Pen nent. Weil lo what everyone Houle Tnee-tbepunchepinhesnd ped ae shame TUBULAR DRIVE WELLS cp don ty eh ny china They 9 fore Taal ra ines “be Tree guely ome eer ot ao a the ik __ CHAS, 3 KREINER. Fal adwans-alt-wool mumcieed) ava earetaly {Nora aways. pertoct tog, eet ready fo. 32 mail, rH ponies ee Pane aes = : = You can Kave the ABANCHESTER RPRISE = GALLUP & wees, agken, ‘the year for 25 ot FAM the Home and Neighborhood? ‘News. { le | gee = : a = 5 ee sarees : Mie aE Tne, etereertr a feat er : Stock Foo So om ro Ed ve, manag rato Advnnflcaieee rahe es pt eatin — i Corsets, Mattings, Oildoths and Linoleums| bee Respect, retin a hitry Powders, <= HAEUSSLER, Tom. MARX 00. arom feu noe tn oon 81 Peruena is All. You Claim For 3 "MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE. Supplement, Thrstay, October 2, 190% WATER POWER IN MANCHESTER Mansbower ban tree’ good mater yowes wilh Sacra in ed ‘rib naTaaueet ¢ ‘dem ot one lot Sams alrite blo, tcl power oe sre Sight plat unl the Propiow Mal, ie A Ue pratensis, hich" Moo bcc om Wornoe nec Yee nna i's SIMPLY THIS, WE MUSE TOUT, w wie gets po: aul kc fa oe 0 people io box go te Gout sod ids tin, sed 107 wp eer 1th, bit ir fom nog ene nom neue whe on aang aw ra oe ing, ee a sacking snl Cringe sc Stale ache SUAE Mie au ave opel wit inonch and aber Gato Fenton, {od Uniernsvear pee th ae far Se ara ied ena yen al ‘Bre soa Or ax brs Hart aides alge wire in SakGate carlo over, we poe on, le Ab eet Bape choad cient a ke it wet Water ‘At Arbor. Tae reeat ct ~ ‘ ign & Ci Goes ls wnidanetss sory bist lo mae ia nei ng ym set Bod on aad es former) st i Workin Monten ‘ae yisty Be Gwcrats it mitation GLOVES.= - Rubber Interlined TAtCost, MANCHESTER Sa STH att F 428 eae ky eee ee ‘ashes man aa vag ne | ie eee S SE aes ne ie ae SS oe Fae neta OS Eanes tare eee