MANCHESTER Sa STH att F 428 eae ky eee ee ‘ashes man aa vag ne | ie eee S SE aes ne ie ae SS oe Fae neta OS Eanes tare eee | Roti Ab MCAT! Highest Marker Price for Wheat and Corn. let Hag Heit or Bod oe Comisena B Se THE ae I8 ENDED. her it fone ety of {Werhos them to bar ptr or Bot Ei, Wonton Hager, "WE HAYE just CaF VOU WANT THENEWS, Allthe. ‘News, (OF Vilge fa Cosby, eid nig hbiing 3 ‘abertbe fee the — 0 ogre ev turn your aes to on, des of Oil snd Cation Bes ivethig in Tetgare and FRED WIDMAYER. he Royal Worcester Corsets,: as ee No, jie | Pie rs sn Be ee ia pas oo ge a te nina Phyiian OR. W.6. os 30H, “tie ‘Froem House, Seti gt meng LOWEST UNDERWEAR,- racy ACA E, IML ii cgsesesis| LEATHER COATS, 8 bom game an 6 thames te Rubbers. Rubber Boots, loys i . (interes . anit te tt tr tnt han pr essen us Grose of tg we eye the Bek, aos Gorokery and Dry Goods J, FRED SCHAIBLE tite stack oF Dy Goods, tb and Crockery. 3t have. money ind ye eu need t te ‘cate ae ay ree! va ain ea Paeboters | |: Se it will pay you to Uke-advaniage iSite." “Leatermationall |’ of is Weday Sale [ Dictionary | 40) Lodi’ Caderweat, 2 vale AN Mao hecey Reced Undornenr Ae vals, Grand Anniversary Sale ! $a BP revlieg Paper. ph Guvefopes " FURNITURE, Graskces, Wino Shades, Uilgerme Rags Lams eine fe mt ako cnn one 2, at Fc joaber ct Pst Fall Clearing Sal (Cen in and ake tour eloetrn 7 EBs: NABLE PRICES. eke af ei SEES STOOK FOOD ieee Matigs, Gils and Linolous Rat: voous, MARY & 0. | enue in) Ponder] aa on 1 HREUSSLER, Closing sSeenee in the Gre al. Miners” “Serie on RP ecord, gle MITCHELL ADDRESSING CONVENTION 2. prominent lady” Bilan TY, a. gteat suffer es tells ‘of “her “cure a Ve fe senna perp ena ‘the year for 25 cents...You-will got All the Home sind Neighborhood News. THE, ur Soliant cl canning a pee pte ee eer mene . pce nao ay iin ge a i ene eos fae Sete a ge Teale btm par pe eet cpaieae ae See eee Sans Sealy abd 2 Seem ten pl Oo whe “Sram Sener ‘Spa “ee shade aint cal te ean a ny ma cr a inne oon bn Sree _. re Sealer Cree eet 8 eae ee eee po se ota oe ais eanarunan ee ing tne again et Coe Tatas om aoa thei Se ap dae pec ec years oF cen eee a mega pater ate ies pe crete! ee atts Gage arene ange “| to wh fieie, being of wcandien ~~ eee oe Erolaa “art i a per Si alata nar nstet pe ee (etal es er Manchester Emerpise. ENERGETIC MERCHANTS ~~ SUCCEED When backed by an hon- ~ est motive. of Ann Arbor have Opened a ~~ Branch Store in Manchester, _ _ in the Unterkircher cere - _ Ling _ and ‘Men’ Ss Furnishing Goods. at Low Prices ~~