MANCHESTER 885 - ENTERPRIS SANCHESTUR, HILUIGAD SOE 28, 10. Monchester_ Entarprica —— — ore Michigan News Items [He i WH ALAIRRK 1584, — S pviederveeieeil es ceesdy For Brutses and Sprairis 3S Mastan, A : tee CHILDREN ENsOY 5 ‘ Fao Lit a tos Mane he Dry Goods, and Fur Store. e'Peml A Car Load of Goods J Opened. ae eee ia Ee Underwear tor se W veupa a SACKET TS- 8 ERGEREOW. fect 1 PEED= GRINDING oa wi Poo ati a pene ester aos a tte tS M i DISCOUNT SALE ln 8da0) Hitec?! : Commencing Friday Moning. hp Tas Cg tor OED fo rf an ee to Fr “iLadies’ Plush and Cloth’ Capes ana ent en's Cloaks,'I0 per ¢ egcilly YOCUM, MARX. & 00 2a) seg Sra he oS TEs eae ‘ree ea a ee ee eee | ed eh fen ae et ae Paget inom | ater nt i aeteedreced Lea See eee oe ede Sh a a le ht egestas se ‘wee ~. Gmoccris of us, we bere the best, alee sie a, J. FRED SCHAIBLE E, W. FREESE-& SON. sy WORD WITH YOU F YOU wane THE NEWS, i the > tes, wi Hiring owt, = ‘And want it when ibis Hew, eee or IF cents. aa Saray 161208, og wien “aaa MANCHESTER NTERPRISE. ster, Migkigan Mfonehesver Enterprise We ate Selling Furniture, Pianos, and Or- ans Lower than any other-Desler Washtenaw County. aa 30 Bays ouer. DAYS Ea mai | ‘Ghumber Bet Past se teas THE ge FAG oR igvoae. Presucacen pera For 10 days only, we wi offer oui on- re ee “e Dry Gods, Show, and Crackers > Watch | “Overt the Sailors | bp te Berar of Winter, Lipite bouse Keepers Gused Theis Trust Wb endo Rideliperlortancee of Hecvism | | j tee hehe THE GLARE OF THE Foornins a Pure, Pemmasint Well it a hare They ere dlosp i ts oad ad prevent ickiam, TUBULAR DRIVE WELLS” ~ -. You can have the MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE. ~ “We balance of cents, You wil get Bax SOO, Ag teint me George re eat tt a bt Wr #680. Ph Mone aon Exar Dr. Caldwelt'n {Syrup ee iaucrsnec, Teele 5 en é st ee Ses mabe RR ne i : ssetere tars gael eS ne fee ROAM ‘cat Samet eee | : ee i = “ Si iSiee ae Seer ee sees