a hayes “aad rea om 4 655 | NTERPRISE ax MOEPEAOEDS, OVE Mts NaS, by i ; at WHOLE NOMRER 186 1 ‘Ss GiF" Ts MOON (BRIS MANCHESTER, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DCEMUSK 18, 1902 Ef He k ae HI an vee “MANCHESTER. EVSICIAN AND suRaEoR ‘meas Serna UFTe, J mo Rryveitiany aN SURG a Yak 8, ee oe pet ia aetne sever 1ghs;Colds, Geip and Catarrh-A Congressman's Letter. j Ise Pe-cu-na. for Con SisTERS OF CHARITY| ri ET He NEWS OF MICHIGA Hl Oe ‘ [ Enterorise | J “Manchester Ektiom ela so bm QUALITY FIRST HERE. petite ie in secre sce POTS ann : 2 | Christmas Only Two Weeks Distant es ee Se Se" we GREAT MAJESTIC | COOKING: EXHIBIT. CONTINUES THIS WEEK ALSO. ey yf Dee ne ws a Rreore pricey Fir ucwmra: Ease Sr i Rect Sapte at at, Met Er ra] am a. Sm net Zing tale a da teeta Be, 46 | pda a evens ren | 7 Terme ‘We mil gire FREE with euch ale, during THIS WEEK ONIN,» omplele te of ary de of hasey inper Nagel 20d Banded wor For Xmas Presents. ‘Nothing iy nore agipropwiads than me geoe a z rel nell BL 3 Be sda we . . 7 o~ cs a anche : 7 < a d Faoasgaraminvariet, race Saal FRED WIDMAYER. * . ante coins sence site ‘sea | GREAT HOLIDAY SALE. syeniy pra Rerer| ae ees Doasiere| | Fiat ~BISSELL'S_ to ae femee ar SWEEPERS your |e aloo Ean, Den Leo FO eS deomiae fr Niomet ann ate 3 ‘ir me ee rors word ae eR Nome oo Wma St gt oa ee eh Confectionery, Cakes and Toys Ep (eine yoche East Side Sine ; Jaeger, Dietle HAVE YOU MADE aon TOUR YOUR MIND? PEPE oe amici aber gions coyrineiempeman aie <0 {I et Rae ie Es ra Sciam eee rien co ake Ea ig a =ISOLID SILVER |e merecgnase“leaee eee : oa mas Gitta:| f 7 We "ee ‘VENTER & RAUSCHENBERGER, sere ee. Christmas — 2205, 3 eter - _ ae A ara foes tr wir 7 a ote eo os 1 ed : eee ial Suits-To Close__ no See erce sity wh Rome eae ee) ae Timon Ble Robe om eae eaeareeag iene | SR ATO ‘A. GOOD. FUR OVERCOAT AT $12.50. Lange ty Maree over marek Seo ae : ir a we : ae ae aor se i nee nae ee page ee Pee ee ae . Ee Se tae an ere ens i {Sr nancutoren mee scirat ; , such Bargains as yrou have sever had before in CleBhing. Fuishng Goods: Han darbies, Nerkuice, Boapeaters “Socks, Covet, Ben, Som, te, eps to ~ ~ Bard the fest 10 smo gos than ever STROPE AN NATIONS ~~ Beauty Bros in Giaes, Tran we” COERCE VENEZVELA SEES ee ae * Great Britain’ and Germany ai War With South Atherican public. aensave _cienuing om momyeen gaxt or i ; : i Constipation Makes J Blood. ae omer _MANCHPSTER “SBS UNTURPRISE, [erie CERES, MULHIGAN, THURSDAY. DECRIER 2, 12. - Sea SER HS Monen ay mar D aeoasih, Sr a eS = The Past and the Coming Year. Buy Frit and Candy aa as mal ta = Notion to Our Patrons Fresh Bulk Oysters Nats, Popeom ete, af Holiday Furniture Furniture _Nowig the time to Buy dnd'have it-kept for! yor uni Christ re as eee FEED. GRINDING CAPACITY! = Bile ete dee ac urces wit pene Sai ae cea = Note our. Low Priceron Undertaking Goods peter eae ae ate renee ghar We, Ax. the Only erisdE Eat bal ‘TUBULAR =e DRIVE WELLS Sano. sn aed =a IF YOU WANT THE NEWS, All'the News, Of Vilage snd Ginntngs md seghering pal tee The balance ot Line ‘the year for Woonts, ‘You will get eee “A the Home and ‘Neighborhood News y Brom nen mel Jno 1 row for [5 cents. Hy ii x oe. Sete iy 7 Paby i ue HH eben if tire : acess ec AANcHESTER ENTERPRISE. [Excereeae Ronchi, Aicigan ee at Be 2s