SSN STKE "THE DEM STAT PRM) CONVENTION. NOWINATIONS MADE, THE PLATFORM ARD OTHER MATTERS. VOTES ON THE PRocErDHNes, Faneusn House oaReen onprsetags ees rrow 9#0:STUDY OF CRIMINOLOGY TURNS EDUCATED MAN ANTO-A THIEF - ew Husband Takes Kiss ee eae as ELH nat ia all iit 8 Halle alley tities id Gro of Tota ss pam pas ATES setae Hy Ty . ae EALEENERE EE ay in id i 2 an : LE i 1 iE Wit il 1 i i i tics Wed nly fo BYROME, HALL: Fred Widmayer. ‘ice Feoting Always on Hand AAU Tan Sbous au Oxtanls Reiorel var ill ‘Worth $550, 800, 250 FTO long ose $2.0, 200, 1.20 wod1.25. All ciber Chine dione df 26 par cen. 200 Yank of Wack Goda, Latoe, Ginghomt, ‘Chalies end all Kinde of White Goods reduced” BB ptr va, during shia Sale, AU Stbhe Line sedased 2 pe cent al pe a gee PIANOS, - SEWING: MACHINES, -- FURNITURE, Free Prizes! For Boys and Girls so Ej Bn Bul Ow a Gan er Ta Ct, Ter Bil ‘Washes Cameras, Mandolin, hase anh Sine! gare’ You Froubled Soe oes CORNS? ciate ~iamiaee ss eipareroer a = Blua-fay Corn Plaster without “Pain oF i Dace pee eee ne Coy] ei at Gf. Hiouaster ocaTaRER ri ni or Cama tiene ety rte rs lt Brown's Business University, HAVE. YOU GOT CREArE, . THROW T 1. Lid oest Para : Eni Sree Sepa ity tuekhaay Manche "aban rig De ua 2 aes hae T que: Your Pant ‘bese Mune bee eel Prime eee EVANS AND TURNER | el _ COLUMBUS, OHIO. i any. Barly Varcggs teraber Ist when our Mr. A. erage resent time. Seen eSt He Skerw OTE™TACTICS OF eerie relic HERE'S A NEW HOLD-UP GAME "= 70 st?tace coat. f tidal moe ie ur # it f ‘Waar Jov They Bane’ To Every Home ne g any cotse se eee Ee an hoa Eien hand. ast auaiy tarot ns pte f, thervel arate remedy \ ie ean Sar Soup sprees A | tate oe) may neu Sens M 7 —Like a Gentleman §'« "NECK: a USE.. — 9 MANCHEST ROLLER MILLS | 3}, LONIER & HOFFER. ANTES ein TNTERPRISE