AL FL WHTEST AND BEST, MANCHESTER ROLLER MILLS DON’T FORGET! Thue] went yout PalsrVoxinem nye Koerner ose! Wawer Foon and Foxe Lesemra On. Also Mixed Paints - ‘aco Pai and Varenh. Cement and Palp Plaster wld oh the with ae splendid 20th CENTURY STEEL. LAUREL RANGE world over We are! going to'show just what ciri be done This boi of Btove Pusctture'Giten ‘with Bvary Range sold during the ESM We wile whit. a Fud Siver it iighow Fu be baked, using only a paper biscuits ca smoke pipe + how strongly it is made This wil besthe most sprvctical Cooking Exhibit evérmade. ~ DRESSELHOUSE & DAVIDTER. Manchester, _Miobi PUPS TAMED JONGLE TIGER ed Bek in ject Fra of Like Rad Dep Tat Ws - T tnt aoe Menor = Entered oT [A Few Good. Things a nee x ae “IT News of the Week Neat | 7 i “Warm Weather. aa . — pees ‘mwaxiearen J ‘Try Our New Gothen - Sake! Cafoe 200 Flolland Jare 25 a Were ling nan eT nt mal . Xs = me Sear “Oe am Wel Gre Tan at fen wer ra ‘Wevcarry all haus of Brmitase Fuse aod Gorel Feula ortucherte tag Drink a ab Sea il ar tt mE Tron and Wire se a Farm Gates ! ae a wna om om foci ftir a 1 “Tot oe meni Gur | Adan Won abit a ; see ee Peet aml las = S atoms warts ie ae ic Erm ce 2h Se | puis diadrSartew aes 2 = ‘ior hs ‘ee ae ele ie po Frm ite sg en 28 ing ane bop ic) tear aos cna] oe eon ms ier es | Sut a ageceres fins ess reeks ay Ty wera eens Se ete oe ec er The pupa fore see Gorde _. SEWING MACHINES,. Jan see : The: te esi FURNITURE BY Schriber & Haber ip hates Ee, Brown’s Business University, me ‘sts Wee un It's Up To You i/-Free Prizes! Tor Boys and Girls yrgate |] Fate com enn ns ISTATEFAIR| - EXCURSION 17 fin wae rere ii a at it ih fy al ott ai D.Y.A.A 8. RY. eee RATES MUCH REDUCED Fy the Pasners and Motheed, Too. Gin octane Te en Hecking Chain, Beanlifl Parlor Table. ui I 4 7 iit: ; 3 ae Sea [mc JENTER] ROO LOG HOTEL armor PHYSICIAN gt SUROEON, fo ERE i Bee ge ict Bee fr Hi THE SHOW. OF THE STATE. ~<:220~a2-~/Memgiel arch AVVIEW OF THE STATE FAIR GROUNDS =| # a SE it aaat E wirch Where Alexander ‘| ia Was ‘Assassinated. AND (TS EQUIPMENT. MICHIGAN'S GREATEST FAIR WIL SOON OPEN, mona he “reteg aon hg re ate aaa Keniry