-MGHIGAN RENTS NOTED "nou oar ea Around the Metropolis Intron Gately Catered a Ney Yoeh War On Mee Wee ae Carter Papaa and Hw ar Hace Baas ~ WANTED! Winter Angles, Gnions, aur, Puls sal Rar Pri wit | Weill atu fant te Sing ease by the anna cin ee toa cy Lake hose Dept, ace pase ne lnk eS lan oor, eeu elie Qa Ze ae haere ‘Tey Oby Yew Cars nat tT Oe owas new val Cee ee a -_ Beene et i ae ‘one “i eS SEWING MACHINES, FURNITURE Schriber-& Huber} ane ae to crc Lapratperanasermy |, Sl Conners bat sitet os ani eae — anoeedr Sin “eur ral ean ae rt om a. Ee OT ean or shortnand Gourse } mca f ‘aap wend neta me ae ” ie a ne meen caer . Mencheeter; Michigan. el : peeerepaac a rie aauviene cone Dar Cet Iter yon Sings Dap even Yor Ba evorencea I j Dundes, Mich, Sept. 18 to 2 pula wih all the zope uf vests Special Features, aces om wanaray | THURSDAY, | FRIDAY, t a sy Sans fon Corel Day tase foe ec: [Spec Paes EL ALi it ‘Fzcursion Rates on all-Ratiroada, Yor Fuhr ofan wnply wo. 3. Haag Sie Becrtars, Dudes, Mic, Ieee PRA lt See = . vie En a oe Physicians-Reco om id Castoria raded ust tty bo inept fi orl ie harlot a psn et tear ‘uot rim a Sole Sieh Tuan omy, Ou day, tow. i mur rt rong ath, The aay” S ae = hat : se Remteamancte I Gunuiece «= CASTORIA awars ‘hart to Sean ‘s sot. y rr ete =| Het Intees hundreds hehe? pe” CF routes you select the ‘| Chicago, Milwaukee - ~ ‘SS Pant Raley ay ies sire) ates, oui ets” aed reserves write Faby . f ie as ee te = a Se ul iu a ee STATE SEAL FLOUR WHITEST AND BEST. DON’T FORGET! ‘That I want your Paint Botiowes Thaye Ei Boer Waste Tap and Peas Livenep On