: nH wee | Ute He ilk ERPRISE WARE CONCESSIONS Ta REVGLTIONSTS} eee AL He ly fy a Hi a MANCHESTER sg ENT [Bata Taint and Vasuth, Cement abd Pulp Petar RGETt $ FOR BEST BAKING . USE... ‘The Ean Side Hardware, Ga. HOucK. | Also Mixed Paints ‘That wast yoor Prot Basins “L base oewrern | DONT FO ous Wau bots aot Pear Trams Oo. 3 o. a Reon =a, Bh RL nes ‘he 9 Coie al ro ~ Vowel, Made ‘Memurale Throg Metin Desde ob Ceommadare Pry io is reed ox OF HAWKINS Jeo SDOAR. FRANMLIN THE PUMPLESS PU . ae parang penne ere V/ i FANCY DISHES FOR THE TABLE. _ eerie SS at a a Movchester Enterprise? PEDSONAG ITEMS.” [| eases at om to oe News ¢ of the Week siete tunes TANTO MARR te Feetaet 0a] a got a ere to ie Inst one, Seo us bose Beane, . | "INEGER & DIETLE, an Few. Good Ere Se at Warm Weather.” Brown's Business University, R nas, Obie THE HE PEOPLES S BANK! 0, ft i ___ Tey Our Sem Coftees ik Our Represen- i tative’ Mr. A.C. a Limle is located 3* om —— "the Now nests : wing Machine! abo Cafes 00 Holi Yara 25 |, Weare closing oats 60y"Tea wi 30a, Our na Bad Crom Tee wt ei wione lat Manchester, ‘Weecary ail inde of Breakfant Ponds aad) Coca Drinks, ’ “rely aoc : ee a iru od otc ae Emad percericn er le ces pease Se ‘an 7 seve iar same ze. ms Roller & Breitenwischer, Iron and Wire —— Farm Gates! tF fray f ery, etc, Thow-wad ol rat Vasey ie 7 H€arry in Stock a a and See Hin puso or "rau semen soa wee meta cs etl nee Peters: Cartridges Daw 1 cond, Re ag ”“y Packing, House! meal yon bare Sissy Soeommabanentornat ff Leaded Shells f Sack Ove, ease nocturne re Lf Metemsteene anion sa witty $F ~ . Pa Senda” Comedy . zl Ale Wosbee od Gran ad Bee ethene ae the. Emanuet’s: —_ terry a ee = ig a Spits Fred Wi idmayer. E. H. Gosmer : “he done. HLL. ROOT. Wie Fencing Always on Hand. Church. 2 nist se sRDWARE orem, wAKCHEWTED ecesebnganienan issebeiontsoe Klink’s {| SUMMER PRICES Carpets! Bazaar _ ox i CLOTHCDAFT Chath wl a het tN dae to som CLOTHE Rare clots wi ae youl Jur bestow et te ctomeart cant i te ym ig ten 1 maeecent erode a Fie Fae ae | ——PIANos; ‘that's dus te éxceltewes-tn tubeic, trl rus - ce 5218 Gee 7 Cram eee sec, may pat ria oes Come fo ed SEWING MACHINES, - anu eee 5 FURNITURE sary ram arn ee oe Paral ber Se ee io eg Sa a eine a rt mmo fase Raat ur mare AND OUTS OF OSTRICH FARMING IN ARIZONA 90,000,0001y. pou GLAS BUSHELS se Ty, : ‘MANCHESTER : ay Nig is isch te a FOR BEST BAKING WHITEST “AND BES ROLLER MILLS LONIER & HOFFER.