PORT OW Coun Mint: ~ “a al ee wee Src etre = so coma at = ma THORS "HNRD ete ~ Rae 3 ete ME INVENTIONS OF HAWKINS ‘ ea Shower ANGER IN THE COLD: BATH. out the Britisher Feels Towards, ‘Americans ; Marchester Enterprise) PERSONAL ITEMS. |) repcpint is pon arise trea: byway orbissecn eo Pe nilinery ° -Opening- serra io “ama WE ARE OFFERING Some Good Bargains in all Departments. SILKS, grea IN ALL colows Bai, 1's RURAL HOTS wor $2252.30 1.254 ow' watt lag 0 now Be VELVETS. and, Prise $100 nor 788 36 am oe” wee so ‘i tol 1 ptt teat ei cha in H, Gosmer me totes WANTED! Whiter Apples, Onions, eens “Petes saad all Fasm Prods, . rill ai i tbe Sto Flo by che, a 2 ahs to, ae ib dian Govan tp al nad me Klinks Bazaar Em Conse and Se I ‘Bred Widm: ayer. PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, FURNITURE we = ‘ei tel Sao oes mio ere ise es it satel hae eee oad Pei Ponrgeah td ie 2 ein ew ererg, Sire ‘day Big ‘Watoh for ths Red Pack: ‘are “Preis El sere, ae Ee tat ta Ra ie a ection A _Emanuel’s Church. Donor ieee S oguen | Rustnoss” On. Shorthas ae sss ra Re wao's Business University, ‘Atay ik Our tere ‘Aamiglon MONDAY Night FREE to tative: Mr AC, THE PEOPLES BANK Sst, Michigea, Pex Cou, eget ie rer Depa: - We oi your Fisinow. +The New ‘Domestic wing Mac ser aoc yi sr, Oni OPERA HOUSE NEXT WEEK tog Maa mt ak And a True Steep of How, the Vegetable Compownd Had fs Bletn and How the “Papicot'2" Caused le to be Oftered for Pubwic Sale in Drug. Storck: — FOR BEST. BAKING