— FOR BEST. BAKING iGossip of Gotham Town. zF Fan ‘With an Indoor Catapult. _ SITS ae HOLDING AND OF DEAD" “WIFE, ‘ompens THE eURIAL STOFRE RS MES CLINEINE 10 Sto iex in Milliner; ro Bie nat THE MIND _PROPER CARE OF 7 Meroe Enerrae| a JE. ARE OFFERING= :_-GhOCES, iv - Some Good Bargains Clocks, Clocks. i Departments. a “ftom wut of aa a “ Mo 3. went per Ib. cat ‘secu ia Ma span ye] ee a F erento ae sa en ss peste Bs ix fayle yd . er ‘nit mn i Dow Go Pant ood eae fe tt = cot Paun Cindy of ciara i | maa tg te 9 a Sack city ee a —_ ‘AM fur 100 per TH. ‘Survek Ove, $s Feiieerel 0, a la ‘toma fom wal Mal ALOE, tray and Light. Only x few le nee i Ls oh see vet —— vt bots we Haid 1 cos wed sania ot ash = Sie = Haoussler’s ove RUppEnootseon B50 ati26.0 Semis fo ey. Ls bog a a scatter s ied Doe’ pit oe loop Aepsviog + Kperiliy- E sao 5 a Feces int ern % cages ‘Waren for ime Red SL tere earinartie ae ee Se aca se tg nh ota [oo et = WANTED! | Sera et 7 | peta ssw ao Sat Manch + ~ Foote F | ‘sash 15 aya — - a Feet Tt Siac ea Buyers of Potato osimn men mut om revered i ‘al mt Al Peer Care itt geS aie 3 We wil aks ina oke Ge Maten be he Coated Shells Lake Bh ore Dept, came ple we tok Ls : ae tall ad Him Tat yon Se0 us bane Baitio, ean wir JAEGER & DIETLE: meer cia ae Soo oe inant ea ae Eimec) ie sore Pee Sing me lt Game aod Be Th Fred Wi idmayer. Wie Feociog Alege on Do You Need a-Range 2 ‘ Then don't neglect the inspestion of oe me ty eat Et Fata sania tn Wise ae ie "Ba ea Beant i ot i's ere] THE NEW MOORE, lic Mie Eanes cmt esa Made of. nee Quality of Steel snd Fully Guaranteed, PIANOS, ‘ul Line of [leating Stoves for ‘and coal. SEWING MACHINES, FURNITURE Portland Cement #2.00 per barrel, F. 6, HOUCK. ee, ret cee, ae | an fee ab S27 DUKES Sam monn TOPERATIONS AVOIDED IN BETHANY er sw (Tro: Qentétol Letters trom. Women Whe Avoised ‘Serlous Operations.—-Many Women Suffrrin from Like lone. WItl Be Votorested. IDEVIL- MAY-CA <= FAB Rt OOO eR ore HEP ERMEPRING Te tenet fob, ‘CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. | Brameline WOT WORS yEnametine HOT NOt Wepre ater FOR BEST BAKING: STATE. SEAL FLOUR WHITEST AND EST, MANCHESTER ROLLER MILLS, . LONIER &. HOFFER,