WHITEST AND BEST. MANCHESTER ROLLER MILLS Sa LOS Ep The Bald Eagle. f- American Birds aks Perlne Last Bane Sanit ob the Netoat King of iis i wa ici Hun RH bri Taw si a ti ‘Moncbenter Enterprss| * Maatchester Encerpriee} PERSONAT, ITEMS, Ti they’re-Ball Band”: They're: all right i> you use warm fuldwese in the SOM Ponda bn gor fd mart ou dt ‘Weabo carry a cunpietelioe of Werm lived Ditties ce hoes for men sa women Calla et them whether grin iy or ack Jaeger & Dietle. =e We ARE OFFERING Some Good Bargains inal! Departments. ” : SILKS. . Bane Iron and-Wire Farm Gates ! emir ane =e Hee it ery - eee ; : PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, \” “FURNITURE By Schriber & Huber ‘To Get Customers, Advertin ‘To et Noqs, Sebacibe fo ‘Cn ity Sime ll Ber BER ee re Sr Rec Senne Ss ie Ne ‘esr 5 a ‘Deposit Boxes, Frisen $1, 9 and & on aged, Goraen Fx, Ba, omen’s Fall and" Winter: Coats ci eented a bar ERuSe = See ae Seomite SAM as a its Tae hare te mee, . ee a te Oi aa permet ae ees artis | fice seu as. pea per th Apte, 1 Pech od ass iad Bent Cass ‘oy’ 's al I clothes IE All for 106 p07 3b. the Pasar areata et aE gee jrsiecine ena Semeelg ACK AI ms SAVED BABY FROM A CYCLONE. Canadian Government B aigin or rheumatist Sloan's iniment hie oe pain — 's the rves. "ond Indac eee sivep wi all dealers, Price 5c 50c "100 ir Earl SSloen, Boston MassUSA, "| ONE IDEA OF A“POPULAR™ ELECTION IN RUSSIA| Ferciean == 01 st YOU Sul do, 15 ) Bushels of Corn from One Acre in 15! Crna fn at, He Peceetercet os ow ach cop ole oes ty ae uccess in the Bal Coast bi Fs oi i sa HUSTLA