T 90,000 I; ABO! NER WINS BY Governor Reece by Majority Far in Excess of Two Years Ago, . UBLICANS: SWEEP THE WHOLE STATE. VAR coy. W LM Pes ele EP Parry u ii aque be Baler it si rettneatfe a ny AAT 5. BLORBER, ATTORNEY: Manchester Encerpria| an Fo AY ¥ HAWKINS OF ONS geo ROGAN, ystery of Writing om Yellow Slip of Paper That Ended Contest far $60,000,000. “| WHAT IS THE it 1 Menchester Enterprt } o 1 fi ‘i i aryuemauiy Tale His He H i H H it i felts ie uy 4 ! tt i t i Ut i DE a PEM THIH TH Hen aU a fy le if We H HE He iL BRS HI i Hi | in 4 ! i i i a Ry i i ha nlf | Ha taHies ana 4 a" El esl | ing H Hi i iy i 484 ild Fi rt t ri i ii in i i fh Hey cs 4 ie it i i i iil Ree Ht H it Hi any i il i a i i rf i iH 49 ¢; 2 aa iH ola mahiHu GHA I th nti aa aa i i ig be i aa 5 it aad lit l Ae or Yom ad a If-they’re Ball Band | a They're all right a wal gsea seg] 1 Po yon ose arm. et ionic o keep Yu Wea ~ oe fre a amen cea ‘al ea sehen ator you's a, . ss erg eramtrn a [tron SCR se nar ao ine | hp tonto a PEN NOv,. 1a. _taeger.& Dietle. PEIN WOW, 1a o.: oe WE ARE OFFERING ome Good Bargaing Es = wat an nt In all Departments, : = eit Sear eee Fis i nr aon el ar m Pte Brown's B Business University, SI LKS, Erle $1.00 now 3 me sr _ eae oe Ty al VELVETS e ‘VELVE ENS 6 any and Light, Ouly-& few Mt et fairenon wa we "8. 2291361500 eee a : g pees ee tte Cunard So Rollor & Broitenwischer. - aspirant hae or Lecnchaeer an z st - = ‘a Eicerartte a we = folie ont ya ese far ia FINE cocmsmennesounsonemnenensnnt ES z " = —— ots of Then and Iron and Wire Gt ain eye ond Pri t Ear te Sera ~ ea apie, Som pennant aw ate ee YR i rene oo coher ti mr tr < ot Tent ofr Pu cinntwaraeior mitered Senses Gama a : Fred Widmayer. coLD DAY: ‘Wits Fencing Alwaye oa Haat til ic. SUMMER PRICES PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, FURNITURE Yinka Dass 2a Fat na aad = eet ans sper ‘Tha Fabrm oY mean cernt mina ti rach — iS v= oy 2 Senet pen Schriber’ & Sib incoeeacertan ‘srw |e elt ec nse Be re freon) Sayer ; omnia unre Seieeea tm e. eS eee gees | wpeensan rr “Cotomnen, Advan inthe Eeesran Cc Ste alas ee ag HE leds « “iirc Se ine oer Sanscnpmanonsonopoeanae ritiorms | yer tee Ban he seman Brings Sugar. Acre na ha He i it ge a? i fH a i qk jibes Sheed Wateh ha Dovelopmect of Thal Dogg | omesing Lines’ of Misses Ian oad aie We a a 3, “ip i i i i te 1 i a els fam Hee L. DOU! SLE RMPH Benin A RUNAWAY DONE Ee aT Sea ee een NPR ENE ye Do You Need a Range? -. ‘Then don't neglect the inspection of © — _ Made of Highest Quality of Stel snd Fully Guaranteed. Also a Full Line of Heating Stoves for wood and coal, A.number e ; “"""" Portland Cement. 42.00 per Barrel F.6. HOUCK. ron0x ‘Clothes for _ Weathers And what 4 re dow garnet rer bas . i s ayes MANCHESTER gots, oeeonre MANCHEST ENTERPRISE. MICHIGAN, THUNBDAY. NOVEMBER 1b. 1906, NUMBER FO, janchestar By MAT MLORBER, aosicere somoes ite E HE il z 4 i i fle ie. ge mane le REPORYSN HEALTO OF ABM] free San wants so aT rH dade afk wae feat th : Fi i