DONE Ee aT Sea ee een NPR ENE ye Do You Need a Range? -. ‘Then don't neglect the inspection of © — _ Made of Highest Quality of Stel snd Fully Guaranteed. Also a Full Line of Heating Stoves for wood and coal, A.number e ; “"""" Portland Cement. 42.00 per Barrel F.6. HOUCK. ron0x ‘Clothes for _ Weathers And what 4 re dow garnet rer bas . i s ayes MANCHESTER gots, oeeonre MANCHEST ENTERPRISE. MICHIGAN, THUNBDAY. NOVEMBER 1b. 1906, NUMBER FO, janchestar By MAT MLORBER, aosicere somoes ite E HE il z 4 i i fle ie. ge mane le REPORYSN HEALTO OF ABM] free San wants so aT rH dade afk wae feat th : Fi i ong) A MONUMENT FOR A Gur Weekly Chat. With Dame Fashion ‘ON BORROWING! " ! ‘HEROINE OF ROMANCE —————— "Sco EDGAR FRANKLIN “THE: HYDRO-VAPOR LIFT. won Pay 12 wont ‘Advance for he Tet they’ Te re Ball sl Band They're re all right oyu ws0, warm Hnkveae by the eal sale wera seer yeu do jt EAST BIDE STORE | Jaeger & Dietle. | S55 =| News of the We Week nt saat sraviow. WE ARE OFFERING Some 600d @ Bargains inall Departe SILKS, | VELVETS mod VELVETEENS MEN'S SHOI BOY'S RUBBER ROOTS wi Maple, Chacala, Peach 20d Vase sand Peano Ig All for 100 per ib. Haeusster's- waren for the Red Packages, Ell, Gosmer Te Towser Tron and Wire Farm Gates! Lol of Thom.ind of Gran “Yasin fo Sighs aod Beis, Pi nil sou ave ‘Bieark Crockery a np Scher apt gy te a Ron it ig nd Cage te oa eg ~ - PRANOS, : SEWING MACHINES, FURNITURE. x 'Schriber & Huber "To-Gee Costomery, Advert ia the Szexvaaie: 1 Geter she Be Sorin Peat is ea cei el Spee onl SEI our Re Tine mot, Women’s Fall and Minter Coats mare Mea a F Sake Yocum, Marx &Co. . Genuine—Syrup of Figs , '$300.. Realized from Tredraation sound = “| 5-8 Acre of Lettuce. lubricated by using ae _ or - : popes KIDNEY Filia The Habits of the Sea ~ THE HOT BLAST, AIR MeaT FLORENCE, h | bon hare «Goal ont bl sour shins while the vind howls outside. Prices within reach of all’... ‘A Large 460, poy “wade right and ah — “he snl sum of $26.00 Don't fail to ‘see this bargain. . HOUCK FOR ‘BEST TaKINE F-SEAL FLOUR WHITEST AND BEST. -