‘Conrenpomdyet at Lansind: = oe MANCHESTER 438% ENTHRPRIS eto nad Gna Feeibed by Speen inorinaus Flood .o} a i : : Armérican Gold Goes Washington Gossip mere = soniye ith Title Hanters erasing Huot Mea Piked Un Rewind ase aqsieNaleal Gal AFA FGI PAGS SPECIALS onthe ‘Hast. Side-~ Bracelets. Lockets, Chains Fre Widmayer THE GREAT SALE OF THESE TWO STOCKS S STH. GOING -— o “Shr owd B n This Week For Bargains Greatest Mu For Fall and Winter Diy Goods, Carpets, Sh 088, Rubbers, and Millinery The TAEBLER & » WUERTE 2il South Main &, Ann Arbor. (Mr. Bar is ‘ATURE PROVIDES FOR Sie WOMEN svavaddvnddvcetaecidve'ts ? Sreany do noth for old people who suffer fi; from rheurnatism. stiff joints, gout jumbugo: neuralgia, sciatica dn¢ paralysis Sloan's Lintment Ky aives quick y i ‘through the nerves and fissues.1 inflainmation and congeshion.quickens the blood and gives a pleasant ingling ation of comfort and warmt, leeds: ery ibis