MANCHESTER sap ENTERPRIS a We as Bate Sl BoB Unt rt Foal “FOR BEST BAKING “STATE SEAL* FLOUR | | The Broken Marconigram ===" By FRANK LOVE! LE .N) ELSON 0 i Master Mind’ of Carlton Clarke in, e Cri inal Solution | ABIES HUDLY WE TOPLCME Jast'a Few. Words With You: _~ Yours Respecttally. ATX, Yocum, Creetodys Shoes. Bunbers "1 STACK FORD: eo ani, 0 ! Fred Widmayer For the estes Dry, Goods, ‘Shoes, or Groceries cate te _@.H. BRELPEN WISCHER DB HESS Goods r NO™ > QUARANTINE | Region's Saturday; Fel inary € a8 oniding i. | PRE INVENTORY Sal a ‘These prices cash, don’t ack for ered. JOHN WUERTHNER & .SONS, _ Manck: Mich. chester, Ee coy aorta tow SER Sica seatgte Pore ial Jost a Few Words With You : ior B Blacksmith 8b op He Ge te Fi Be EN ic ini a | ra Fit at if Ri i i i i j TE Hi fas 2ease ‘ iy q a i ‘ON OUR STOCK PRE INVENTORY. SALE Tie cane: i en ANTE oO. Mf soe Fred Widmayer ties For the Best Bargain: # Discount of Dark Coats” bd Discount on Wool Sox Dontiacs: * Pants a Dadeew wear 0" ” MESSRS * Knee Pants Dry Goods, Shoes, ame or Groceries ‘Soon Clo ate JOHN WUERTHNER & “SONS, Manchester, Mich. Com ne Uitte stich ‘Frogeam, Penal Gosmer |! GH BREITENWISCHER ‘hele onl Bnlergriag Office 7 g ai cate es — “WIKTEW ASH, WITH ‘THE SPRAY PUMP ITHE LAW ON BUTTER Sig. Wollice vats hl eat Sune i ‘ nape any field ayes! es & Soe mo Petro a eS Sy Seni FOR BEST. BAKING "STATE SEAL" FLOUR 7 x ay aise: Sesion Whitest and Best ecteannstbeaee ar gen Cemetary FRERUARY 17, 1906, chester Roller Mills LONER & HOFFER Gait, Fay and. Straws