E the display io our svindo that E Cut Some “Cheese WIN THE WAR The Star Spangjed Banner Jn triumph shall wave ‘er the H aes ‘ote helo If Special for Friday and Saturday. . ‘illser the sume or Mid Cheese, Bic Ib gi sour eres redenpon We Age Is . i Donse Baarers TONVERTIELE CAR PRIL 1 LAST SAY | Fok FEDERAL RETU ” MANCHESTER SALES CO. On MoDoCE FW. EALMEAGH lhe BAISES G00 CHICKENS THE YUKON TRAIL “=> | William Macleod Raine Cian ‘Soup Te Clas Your Skin Don’t Spend Money Like Linoleum and Rugs LINOLEUMS HANGRITE Sorim and Marquisette Curtains 6 H. Breitenwische Bat Victory Bread | Try Some At Or ary BAKERY. & & ROHR | LOST ANETHING 7 ADVERTISE Dy SNTORPRISE “LINERS” SSE RSET For Quick Work In Hay Time | “| Louden Hay Tools Curtains, Draperies Carpets,.} FED COWS NEWS. ‘The Louden Cross Draft Hay Cartier MANCHESTER. C- OPERATIVE | ASSOCIATION is shipping stock MANEHES EN ENTERERISE, THUHDAY, Sree, Gave oul ia Emblems of Beauty it the the Eastertime' MANY STORES ARE ‘WOVEN ABOUT wy} ein art ns BAKED POTATO Boece Tt Cost the Average Family Leis Than 10c Per Week for Packers Prot in 1817. ‘The Meat Bill is one of the ee items ta the fury oor msn 10 oats per work of it init & “oe = a cae ‘Win the War by Preparing the Land Sowing tueSeed and Prodaving Bigzer Crops | ok ott ae uae Serta YOU NEED NOT SUFFER W BACKACHE AND TAEUMATISM Nese 280 1918 cr) ot —_—__—_————————— oS NEVER AILS TOEND | f ‘MISERY OF PILES! 22 Million Families in the United States eae ily nent ecg of Bac as ot wn {OVAL BAKING POWDER 60, De © WILL, WIN THE WAR | | LADIES OF MANCHESTER Spring and Summer ATS MARY A. SWIFT Wonderful Easter Bonnets e Basenn eat Sto “at $3.00 to $6.5 Loar ANYTHING? ADVERTISE ENTERPRISE “LINERS” LEN Glasgow Brothers LONIER & HOFFER MANCHESTER E New Footwear Fashions A Spring Displas wry Nor BANK tHe MONEY YOU WASTE? ‘Urrep Sates ‘GOVERNMENT. i