VU ® MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE » “HLL 1, 1918 m DON'T BE A “Man Without a Country” , enn NOL |. ms by | | ! mention : tf eet ROYSTER’S 3 Hf you are a Man with a Country © FERTILIZER Buy a Liberty Bond 10 20 cons on nas 4 Louse Borers | CONVERTIBLE CAR TAVEAEED BY aso j TEUTON ATTACK |. sano picoens, a0 cons tl aS al OF RATION GIVEN TO CAPTAIN BILE Michigan News Tersely Told 2 pairs for 250 = Are You Going To Buy A Spreader This Year? Look At The LITCHFIELD ‘The No-Chake, Body ple To Operate Five Year Guarantee GA Bn og Linoleum and-Rugs . 16. _Breitenwischer } S| Try Some At Once ip way fiat BORROW a Pager nf i RIBE TODAY = eens se | Man Ra ] EL allleathers, 15% off | YOCUM & MARX} += Smut Is A Deadly. Germ! cenix worth will treat a. bushel of onts. F. G. HOUCK Chas, Wurster f 6° Britenwiacher Fred G, Houck nana Joc ere Reg Getleock, ENTERG ss, THUASUAY, APROL 1198 ree) uae: Seenes of Prosperity [The Yukon Trail fil | SEES) [Luewy steme As peneset he speriy By WILLIAM MACLEOD RAINE acme draeCgearer toes 15,000,000 A DAY Eigen gon, it Roney peat far T'S TOASTED ‘the ages entails the prodsction ef planes thet muse eliminated regularly = ad out fells the meat from ‘the live ost ! fst oer reeds covered ll expen of esses ralerston, freight, selling exporse snd che prob of $128 persteray shown by Swift & c PS TO17 hues aa fallow This haves For exnace and pit” OF hich the profit per steer wae. | bi | Sw i & Company, U.S. A, LONTER & HOFFER We Pay Highest Price heat or Use Our Popular Brénds of Flour 3 I ‘We Appreciate Your Patronage Featherton Concert Company Thursday, Apr. 18, 1918 ” MUSIC ‘Vocal and Instrumental 8. Goverment simet hse bass, wai the dat of ea a is at ls LIBERTY BOND T. 8. Qoverainont Liberty Lotn Bonds are the unfest invectmanta in the whofe world sand you wl secetys interest payanle gem Shawally COME IN TODAY is ings WILLIAMS swoon Ss Opening of Our Children’s Furniture Department--The Only Onein Jackson! A Separate Room Has Been Made Into the Cutest Little Noceery Mothers rw--Decorators suits from $17.50 to $48.00 Coats from $19.50 to $55.00