“WANTED! Bids on the Wrecking | Washtenaw County House j Mey 1, 1918 at 19 0’ lock A. M. JOHN IN LAWSON, Chairman MARTIN A. RYAN, Secretary "aa OMEN | RAINBOW’S END 24.Nover |, mesnene By REX BE. we TWALNG STR EE area ete : OF AB RETREAT! = ses . TEN DEUS AOA ONE AMERICAN PENETRATE FE "HRD UME CRE TEST DRAFT CALL WES 233,493 HEN BP SaaS To YOUR, BAD BUYS [Gisgow Brothers | a 6. CONKLIN ] OME ESTER Wednesday Evening, May 15 ek By eet Best Motion Pictures Free For "Everybody MANCHESTER WELFARE CLUB Seed Gorn 1004 Day Yellow Dent and Ea rly White Flint Blue Flame Oil Stoves nett > fred od Widmayer Manchester Horse Company's | ‘s Percheron STALLION season of 1918 Hourly Changes ( “OE HE n Sk ie igh KITCHEN aes 1 AS WELLAS BUNS 2 ABINE Re? ‘met .S.Marine Band Leader gervos Great Star Re lie : ATTENTION! ick Women ot fein pe ‘To get the best. ‘hin Rede Dy 4 ? SHOES For Your Boys 4 Saturday Speci 10% Discount all Boys Shoes WUERTHNER BROS. Stadium Clothes eae new west ials Seterday ad at and nd Coats, 1 10% Discount Tn BONUS WILL BE PAID MEN WOMEN ... $1, 035. 37 WORKING CONDITIONS GOOD. WORK LIGHT, AGREEABLE AND HEALTHFUL. RENT AND BOARD VERY REASONABLE. EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN EATON RAPIDS WOOLEN MILLS