1 ee ausrean Tous MARE AIR DASH EN gems Jemine Pancake and Buck # wheat Mixture f We Appreciate Your Patronage { LONTER & 1] HOFFER q {pres. WILSON PLEDGES | PLenGEs |* ~ AN UNLIMITED. ARMY TO PRESIDENT OPENS ! to CROSS DRIVE FoR $10,000,000) ommrc nus nev sent THE MEMK AND HELPLESS MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, MAY 24,1918 PLANES IN RAID B Bur Upon your hallowed alta! x And, winds, athme tel + your patriot pralters And, too, there should be flowers— Flawere for the feet and flowers for the, brows shed their precious blood for’ Liberty. & nie we til thee gone, wth igh tla wus acclaim the ving ae are The M. J. Pardee Bros. Bet Liwery LUMBER And Building Material wih she acgsiation of the F. | FG) HOUCK OSES ene Yonrs respectully, | Glasgow Brothers | 7 | | The! First Actual Redutionsin in - Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits pide te ele 190 Suits Worth wpe to $50.00 Sale Priced $35.00 | i aod Nowlatoxeaing . Stroh’s Beer Ginger Ale fe Ul sna wh Not Try A Case? ij The M. J. Pardee Bros. GEO. A. EINKORN HOW MUCH Do You GET 7” waste GIFTS GIFTS COMMENCEMENT Ie paga to bie Watches and Jewehy at WM. GASTON & SON Tecumseh fednesday. R& é Comte 10% Off Men’s Hats and Caps YOCUM & MARX}. Seed ed Corn 100-Day Yellow Dent and Earl ly White Flint ‘in us kno you are 2 steady customs | arin Monday, May 27 Cash and Carry Call BL early if you weans valk, oF let Pred 1 Widmayer TANHOUNEING ¢ OUR RI OUR READINESS FOOTWEAR R.G. CONKLIN Grocery 6. H. Breitenwischer [Renbow: s End NOVEL by REX BEACH (ESE BADLY, a ‘THE HERAT OF 1O34 with oy If Swift & Company Swi Made No Profit ‘ha cle raiser woud receive oly ‘heats padoeet a ie = Ee alae om ure ong Hh Pa ion ove xe tia hey —— =e ee i Er eia hee ‘eae use SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY CLEANSES YOUR KIDNEYS aid of Your Meals ‘ake “Eatonic” and Laugh At Stomach Troubles 10% Discount Saturday, May 25 ‘Wa nave a big line of Totus Goose WUERTHNER BROS. 4 ~ ——_— ADDITIONAL BONUS ' WILL BE PAID Based MEN ...... $1,102.00 WOMEN . oy 035.37 WORKING CONDITIONS GOOD, WORK LIGHT, AGREEABLE AND HEALTHFUL. RENT AND BOARD VERY REASONABLE. EATON RAPIDS WOOLEN MILLS EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN