Ae bulletin PUBLISHED BY THE Genesee County Medical. Society PUBLICATION OFFICE 412 Lewis, Street Flint 2, Machimean Phone 1.2422 Fdttar AL. Preceer, MP. Maraging Paditor E. 0. Scuremen, M.D, Alssacitie Fdifers E. J. KaLera, M.D. FE. E. Reewer, M0, Bh. J, Jenssran M.D Ty. Tt, Beasie, M0. &. L. Osnen, M.D, H, V. Sparks, SLD RK. M. Beanery, M0. 4. CH. Anaws, MLD, I. 2. One, ACD, Austmess Af aaa C.D. Frencr = Eeetuhive Secretary Saka Ml. W anken WE) Eepole Street Flint 4, Michivan Plone 8-378 Margaret McLaren A Biographical Sketch Wherever you go to make VOUr life, you must take yourself along. lt little mateers where you are or what vou do, but much depends up on what you are. This I learned from Margaret McLaren. hlargaret was born on-a Farm in the Province of Ontario, Canada, the first of a family of eight chikdren, She comes of sound Scotch stock thar has always adhered te the simple life: ok only one pride, the pride of good works. Her mother brought with her to this new country the high ideals of honesty, respectahilicy and christianity which she imparted to her children, The life of the McLaren family though simple and confined within the narrow horizons of an isolated farm, was lar from commonplace. \n appreciation for the hiner thitgrs mn lie demanded living beyond ane above the ordinary wily ok the pic nece. A well disciplined family life enriched hy aoc] hooks, SOT TWLWwsic andl strong religious Faith was sul heen doctor and the minister was im measurable. “These two omen were looked upon as apart from ordinary men ane respected! accordingly, When she was sixteen vears old, Margaret lett school te cemain on the farm to help her mother, For the next twelve years, under the tute lage of her mother, she lea rriescl cocking, sewing and cenera | heres fraser ment, Not until the youngest of eight children was well started in school was her task done. She was then twenty-cight years old. The time for the greatest decision in her life had come. With the parting ac- monition from her mother, “It's now oF ever, Wlargaret,” she Jeft her home to enter the Nurse's ‘Training School of Grace Hospital in Detroit Margaret McLaren began formal training: tor her bife's work in roars, and graduated in gaa. At the gradu: Aton exercises, as.a total surprise to her, Dr. Babcock, superintendent of Grace Hospital, presented her with a special diploma of prohciency as an award for outstanding achievement, as the highest class honor. She left Grace Hospital with the impact af the preat personalities of the wtall of doctors nel teachers on her mind. She feels a respect and reverent admiration for those doc- tors that is like a fealty. After gradu- ation she did private duty nursing in Detroit for two years, refusing several hospital jobs because she felt that she needed the experience of general duty. In 1922, a letter from Miss Schill, superintendent at Hurley Hospital, brought an ofber of the position of surgical supervisor, which Miss Mc Laren accepted, and hes protessional career in’ Flint, Michigan, hegan. During the next two years her work at Hurley Hospital met sii well with the approval of the doctors and other hospital personnel that she was rec ommended far the pusition if creer eral superintendent af the Women's Hospital. She went to Women's in igag. Another milestone in hee CAPE Was passed, During the trying hard times of the great depression she guided the Women's Hospital through ia $19c, eeo debt and constructed the north wing. The hospital progressed and Page 19 The influence of the family Mancaner McLanen prospered. Miss McLaren constancls siuight and worked far approval Fur her hospital from othe American Medical Asseciation and the Ameri can Callege of Surgeons. Through the contacts she mache with preat hospital and medical authorities; as she puts it, “A nanentity trom Fline gets an inspiration,” The Women's Hospital, through this inspiration, aitined full approval in 1925, ‘Today that ugly duckling has undergone a metimorplosis inte the magnificent new Mclaren General Haspital, Margaret MeLaren has earned same leisure —leisure from the ex acting cletails of hospital mena oe ment. [he philostphy ak her own life dictates that nursing is, alter all. a substitute for morherhood and Jrcornne: making. One's kate is decided by the circumstances under which it is guided! and developed, ane one submits to fate, She is looking for ware fo Trcre regclima: Tiupsie®, ler: £ tures, club and church work. She loves her home surroundings with some cooking and sewing and 4 lithe social life,—"juse enougly br spice.” She feels that the orand new building 1s after all, only Hi building, The important thing is education, She knows tliint good mecical ane Nursing SCIVLCES CHiN only le: built amd maintained by years. of com- hined oclort of many people, el accepts the new name for the Me Laren General because it pleases Neverthe ane rejects individual brillianey. “A self. those whe bespowedl ie, less, she holds For teamwork, ‘Please turn to page 24) He Margaret McLaren (Continued from page 19) governed organization working as a unit produces the permanent re- sults.” As a parting salutation to Mar- garet McLaren, we can think of none more fitting than the cry that came from the crowd as Queen Vic- toria’s coach passed on the occasion of her diamond jubilee, “Go it, old girl, you’ve done it well!”—A.C.P. ¢ New Hospital Has Latest Equipment (Continued from page 21) Ethical Prescription Service er convenience and speed. In the laundry, soiled linens and_ clothes will not be touched by hand from the time they enter the washers until they emerge ready for sorting, iron- ing, and distribution. Meals for pa- tients will be conveyed to each floor from the central kitchen by a novel system which also allows easy return of dishes to the dishwasher. ince (662° vw | OLE a | 502-S.SAGINAW ST, Phonc2345e DRUG STORE Where Quality Comes First! a a (simalei a6” Se 0 ner oH KAGE! AE ORL! RAILS Pb 908 Ann Arbor Street Phones 3-6551 or 8-2331 Bow ew or aN Over 58 Years of Experience MANUFACTURERS OF Artificial Limbs and Orthopedic Appliances Back braces, leg braces, cervical braces, arch sup- ports, sacroiliac and Jumbar sacral supports, frac- ture and deformity apparatus. (YY CERTIFIED ff] FLINT LIMB & BRACE CO. 409 West Third Avenue Phone 4-4431 Page 24 The doctors’ comfort an medical activities have not be looked. Conference rooms ai brary with an adjoining reco complete with dictation box available. Locker rooms for be and female surgeons are ously arranged with a neig lounge sumptuously appoin plete with piped-in oxygen. } er will the humble listener c fear of asphyxia bullosum. ¥ News Note Local doctor’s names appe recent medical literature M. C. Kozonis, R. F. Wige H. M. Golden as authoring ticle entitled “Primary Lipo of the Mediastinium,” in ¢ tember, 1951, issue of An Internal Medicine. ¥ New Mothercraft C. Tuesday, October 23— 7:15 p.m., Rankin Buildin 302 W. Second Avenue Wednesday, October 24— 7:15 p.m., Rankin Buildir 302 W. Second Avenue (This class is for women husbands are attending th Forum at the same mel Friday, November 2— 1:30 p.m., McLaren Gene Hospital Monday, November 6— 1:30 p.m., Hurley Hospit Sayit wilh lou FROM SINC 192 TELEGRAPH SERVICE ANY 728 GARLAND § Phone 2-8194