cA Sy Woes ape i McLaren New Hospital Opening =23-51 : : "Mre. Miner, Trustees, honored guests, and friends of the hospital: Thank you for coming to dedicate this hospital for service to the people of this commnity. : "I Gamnot pass this milestone without a word to you. May I extend sincere thanks to my family and to the friends who have so wonderfully helped over the years, to you, our neighbors and staunch supporters, and to the hospital group - physicians, nurses, and all others who join forces to care for the sick. It is a high privilege to work in 4 hospital, it is warming to the heart, with always the challenge to do better. There is nothing on "I earth so rewarding as the gratitude of a patient. "Something over one hundred years ago, Indian tribes battled over this slope. Each generation since has left something with the ‘river of the Flints' and its surrounding acres, and First those pioneers who removed timber from the land, then farming / small industries, next came the great motor industry placing Flint in an enviable position in the markets of the Sat "Right along with these years of progress there has grown, a little mors slowly but ‘surely, the services of health, recreation, education, and sociology.” az hie et — = = ES F ce = es +; CARD II - Misa McLaren "This hospital is the result of combined effort of so many people over 50 many years that it is impossible to name everyone who had a part. There were those who envisioned it, those who for thirty-two years met financial crises, uncertainties, and obstacles of one sort and another, and dealt with them successfully. Finally, the thousands with great and generous hearts who contributed the money for your new building. A mew era will come for the Board of Trustees, administrators, Medical Steff, nurses, technicians, and great army of other workers who will in ten years time create what will be know as the service of this hospital. "As the representative of the personnel, I fF ithe - Lire. a service, kindly and skillfully, realizing always that the sick person needs above all else. |— understanding, sympathetic care. The building ia beautiful, we are proud of it, and Dial grateful for its space and conveniences, Minis is your building, please be loyal and helpful to those who will work within ites walls, to make your sick ye. aes wae e comforted, your sick-at-heart encouraged. CARD IIIT - Mise McLaren INTRODUCTIONS : “de are delighted that Miss Girard, the nurse who with Dr. Lucy M. Elliott founded the hospital in 1917, is here today. May I introduce Miss Lillian Girard.* HERR RHEE HH The Medical Staff is the heart of the hospital. Education, progress, leadership, and direction in the care and management of the sick depend upon the calibre, capacity, and + loyalty of the staff. We are happy in Flint to have 250 doctors, Their chief of staff in this hospital is Dr. Edwin FP. Vary. It is an honor and a privilege for me to introduce the Chai Re Oe of = ay Staff of this hospital: Dr. Edwin FP. Vary. By £4 } i He EHH HH HH "You have oe hice seeing and hearing of the accomplishments of the hospital Auxiliary May I now present the president, Mra. Russell W. Durler.” ayy: feba. oP ee eee KRHHEE HR SE oh “Three years ago we ‘started searching over the United States for someone to succeed me, as the years are catching up. We found her, a woman of experience, a great heart, sound education, a worker, and very ambitious, After eighteen months of working together, we are | sure the appointment will be successful. May I present Miss Marjorie Sanders. “ eX eRSEHH HH (See following card for Dr. MacEachers = e il a a _ (DR. MACEACEERN) "A preat era in development of medical education and hospitals began early in this century. Leaders emerged and the fruit of their efforts is to be seen in every hospital on the continent, and the influence of this great movement has gone out to many other countries of the world. "Today we are honored that a man has come to speak to us who has exerted more effort os improve all hospitels than has anyone elee in this eountry. He ia a doctor, an educator, author, has more academic honors, has filled more active and honorary appointments, held more offices, has been awarded more citations, and held more memberships in scientific organizations than anyone we have ever heard of. He is a leader in the hospital world, ‘ respected and honored in medicine, and beloved by thousands ‘ty whom he ia affectionately It * se "Mey I now present Dr. Malcolm T, MacEachern, Director of Professional Relations (in American Hospital Association; Director Pmeritus of the American College of Surgeons; Professor of Hospital Administration and director of ita program at Northwestern University ; Chicago." - - - -"Dr. MacHachern:"