-Murisoh Medical Center has just received the report and recommendations of ihe Gover- nos Special Commission which , *s ~ wag) appointed ‘to attempt 10, regtlve the differences betwee); the ‘hospital and the Hotel, Hos-. pital, Restaurant and Barten-, der’s Union, Local 395, it was. announced today by Frank Hi Moss, vice president and direc- tor of Munson. | “The ‘administration of the hos- | ofa) is presently reviewing and: analyzing the etitire report and: its recommendations. The hospital is gratified th jthe commission members, it! recommending no.general wage, increase for this year, agrestt thet the’ general wage increase | given by the hospital in July 1969, was fair and competitive, _ Moss. sgid. . | Ya -accordance with the state, Jaw, the hospital and the union) will resume negotiations witht ‘ i # | 10