This weekend oful* Hospice ‘program planned Grand SToepice Tak Foree alning Program for irst session on Fo local hospitals, clergy and th munity in a combined effrt to provide | and services to atients | With a ‘terminal illness and. thet fami ag, ets, Dr. Juidy Ramsdell.and the Ref: Tops Stoll, announce that J. William Worden, "Ph.D., assistant professor’t*psychology at Harvard Medica Sebo dh research diréetor of Massachusetts ‘General Hospital's Omega Project, will speak at both ses- sions on Saturday. Project 'is an inter- (AY of life-threatening jk threatening behaviér'sup~ thé National: artis of ha i me ees disci tres and ported by thi tal Health and the National stitute. wrden has published a th and gr z Pook ‘lyeracnal Death Awareness" 2 siichd by Pra ice Hall has recently a translated German edi- agenda, beginning 1e Saturday a dum whieh ithe rato tor ho pes, | yl bec, “Tarun of Death , Dying and Hos 3 pm. will d (On Sunday at 1:30 p.m, will be a panel discussion of Hospice. The following > task fore material cot dnyolvement and expe "Thompson" vice. president, Munson Medica ica i ica the History of H its phitosop! and ‘uth L, Ramséell, M.D.,ofcologist, Munson Medical Center, wil discuss mncept of palliative care and pain Episcopal ‘chute ott spent on ‘pirlnal ‘pain -and emotional fell at Parker, social worker, Munson Medical Center, who has been tedching ‘on course on “Death and Dying” at Northwestern Michigan College, will cover relief tional. and ps of chological. pain of patients, famil salt Gna esouree depletion and ning. ears Kane supervispr, of Home, Health Care Services, Mupggn Medical Center, will speak of maiptaining in- "dependence on the part of the patient, ane nursing functions in the home. an mguret MeCiryaal, vohiateer will discuss types of as- in the role of the volunteer, to the family, emphasiz- the needs to be met oe meetings on both Persons interested in the public ses- gion should contact. Munson Medical er, 47-610, Public Relations Dept ‘any questions oanceyning the Volunteer Program should. be Girected to fargaret McChrystal, 948-7086.