miata’ OUR VIEW v DOS TE When hospitals join forces, patients are the bottom Ming. It’s been said t 6 vee ealth North promises to be a long and ‘successful one The two northern Michigan health di Medicaid payments are e shrink. ing, the timing for the part- nership seems right. Perhaps the best aspect of the new th able n their own identities. The ailisnee falls sho rt of being some ma abor- tion, rerusettation orders and organ harvestin; Specifically, the partnership will result in Munson taking changes iuelude: a process that makes it ier t patients from Merey hospitals to Munson, which has mo: lish databases | ‘hat all the doc- tors can utiliz far, Mercy employees have reportedly responded well to the ing Munson role. y time ni anagement comes Y. rely on Mercy for decades, _Though the health care industry is gana always has petitive one, good a both organizations are strong and healthy. long a8 both groups con- As tinue to put the interests of pat ents above all other con- n’t be good for northern Michigan