‘Hospital Goal ' in Sight With $20,000 t0 Go Predict $300, $309,000 Fund Will Be Raised i Next Wee Munson Hospital campaign work- erybody you meet wheth- er they have given; if not, have hem make out their pledge right on the spot, ue we all get out and make such c tl Standing,” ne a “we car go well over ae et He old the workers that the Se: Gifts committee was still working on ies contacts and is Gititent they will be com- plete within a Tew ign co-chairmen, H, MacIntosh "(Pie lease turn to Page 13, Ci ae Goal ee With $20,000 to (Continued from three res head the oe ‘Clits committ “ovisaatng team last m 71 which ri poten a a Pata ot : eae This was chiefly the result High division for th n Division 0 w! also had the high- est team. pee by Mrs. Seth Tompkins, jivision reported $5,207. a See Mieras’ Divi- | sion S report ted $2,899. ontr! +| sidered. Several such persons mee */ contacted aoe and made gi 1 substantial si yore apo