Paying So0.sre ste thn the they came hereto crea the north, Hannah, Mo Merril avon ‘original section of ‘$4,500 pee They made a difference. e hospital vTe5t whe ie ce aillia in gold fr cen 0 These famous donors helped build th ion grant brought new cancer treatment. Leia e I Today, hundreds of adi sree ech ad of ee Munson rf combat the ‘nly posse thank to» combined donation 81 milion for bes Biederman and the rea capable o ‘Nter much onan ‘spect Seetng ft fll ebrp of Rory Cares © ‘was held in the spring: srant of of $500,000. "As 3 result, Munson rt a new $1,350,000 linea accelerator Inst advanced orm of a 7 an. Today, the legacy of the me don on bythe sta ofthe Biederman Hattie’ gift hel ‘generations of children few people in the rise of Teves Cy have dope as mucho lp cen as Keeney: THE MUNSON MONITOR 9 ‘of Perry Hannah, who founded hen he and spars A 's daughter Hattie was born during ecu Warn 180, Unie day's Eventually, it was decided thatthe Central the Michigan hiers Clinic adeno the hospital wo ny for Corvin othe terms ir rl Then ‘which Keeney left have since benefited on eve you, the reader, ‘inkeowingly ben voughtful eau mn earyoah o