Source: The Daily Mining Journal pet col Marquette, Mi. Saturday, Dec. 11, 1886 Datuth & Wise ‘This company, notice of whose tnear- Misr Gita ce ah ic We Cama Tae SLCC aN nome days ngo, was farmed to ma ‘portion of the Duluth, South Shore Uae CRON moe ROg gt Bihari Pree cee Coen aL 6 ue 4 af eee cl lee Leg OSTATIC Nae an i ti ee Cron oa WME Toa UE Tet ‘of Mirectora mot nt tie OMice OF A. paola ta oan ne mut Sir ety por ins i ee ‘ ure samt 1, Harm i Prato: T nae pidud Ta Aeron Aronia tices init kisg ee airy OU RU PCA RO TD me chau oy OU ee cae AL MEST Ties tog ia ae lantic, aons to fori one corpoyition ant Saal tone Hae from Duluth and West my eee eU casei ese 1 ing sane ity watercan eet Cc bats ‘call of the prosident, Duluth, Superior & Michigen Ry. Co.