Source: The Daily Mining Journal, Marquette, MI Saturday, August 4, 1888 PWPL Micro Film Reel No. 33 At Michigamme Ishpeming - At 6 O'clock, Saturday evening hand cars of the C&NW and of the DSS&A Ry., were racing near Michigamme when returning from work. The latter being in the lead. When at the crossing by the Michigamme mine a miner named Fred Peterson, who was going from work, stepped off the South Shore track to avoid their car and was caught by the C&NW car, loaded with six men, running out of control. The cars were hurled from the track when it struck him and Peterson was so badly injured that he died at eleven O'clock Saturday night. Two of the men on the car were also hurt, but not seriously. caNw Ry. DSS&A Ry.