Source: Marquette Iron Mines Peter White's Scrap Book No. 3, 1889 Peter White Public Library» Marquette, NI MARQUETTE IRON MINES. so \ | (The Inexhaustible Marquette Range Shows a Larger Output Than Any Other Iron Field. we iDions of Tons Already Taken Out, and Still There Is an Abundance Remaining. /The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway and What It Has Done for Marquette. Many First-Class Educattonal Institutes —A Model House of Correction— | Ore Statistics. ed Marquette betng thenatural shipping point for the ores of tho ang, that in dustry is ove of the main resources for tals “point However, from the published tubles you will sea that Escanaba takes a consider able portion of this ore, sIthong ch at a euch bhippiug, pot greater distance as a shipping point, The srailway fscllities were not what they ghould have been by tho old Merquette, Houghton & Outonazon railroad, andjas 9 re- galt, the Chiago & Norchwestern road exine in and, by liberal and prompt management, | _ontried the ores to the point most aidyanta- | with row and sail boats, and if geons for that road. But now the Duluth, | South Shore & Atlantic road, having soured the ofd road, is 1m the field to get all they possibly ean’ of the ore of the home range for shipment via Maraaette or Si Ignace, and the Chicago & Northwestern will find this an opponent that will try their best metal. Their insgyressiva, and having. plenty +of money-are-in the market for business ‘This means increased wealth and trade for Mar- quetia. The Datath, Gouth Shore & Atlantle ‘oail opened up a section of country valuable will supply the r roased freigat, although it through traifie wills be is road will ako in ace an the shortest one from the tor Westto the Esst, and, 8 timois of im. port rstuw teas, the Duluth, Routh Shor, & AUantla reed tll be seve’ hours in advance o 5 Trom 8 Boul gud ‘BMluneapolis, via the Chicago, se |, Minneapolis & Omaha road, making @ ‘ein af aason, 1018 only seventeen miles further to Sault Ste, Marie thaa the short Beo dines pas rom mach olnts as Fargo and the West, it is seme one bundred and sever (een tales shocien, Wil good track aad first-olasa rolling staek, itis along way acyanee of any of its compeiitors And even to Detroit. and all points southeasi by its line across the straits of Macinaciv, it cau successfully compete with any other line, while by lines from the Tast contering at Sault Ste, Marie the distonce to Boston and New York ia auill further reduced. No new Tond cun have a better roadbed than bas this rond, and the high water of last epring camo nowhere within six feet of the level ofthe tracks, being a enaruntee that Wier alse me 1m Nestoria west the road is perfectly new, the first puweager train only paveln g over it en Sept, 13, the road. being then fin ishea to Trou River Junction, wirenes trang to Duinth non tha Ashland branch of the Novem Pesilo. rou. ‘he new portion passes through a diversified country—tie first portion bong pine lands, valuable on Account of the great abundance of that wood, and with a rich soil underneath, Kumerons steanss are crossee, with plenty of water pow nt locationa for aw mails, whfoh no Goubt wil be loeated at there are only a wnd logs are not 2 raa down the | Dut they are also be- | for ahipment. oy rail, aud the | a profitable business fn | log hauling to mills in the older sections. Al- thoughsome very difiieuls road building was done in the Gogetie ditrict, the grades were kept low, and as a consequence heavy trains will be the result, You are in a different country from this tolron River Junction, rd Wood, in addition rout streams where the angler cai have the very best sport. You wind among a suecession of laizea, with scen- ery of the most lovely description, and in thls ako region will during the ‘summer prefer these quiet ralvents ta tho noize and bustia of the bette: known watering places. Already they have come, and ther house, with sho requisite boats and fishing | tackle 'tor enjoyment, At Gozebic luke, a| beautiful chest of water, there will bea large stimmier hotel, as the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Wostern roud has one at the southera end well patronizad, while the scenery is preferu- ble at the northern end. Here you may have TEE FISHING DESLZED, ‘you nre fond of venison you mzy have Itof your own Killing in season, You may also have plenty Of beat's mont foutnered fowl end other game, of tae -sportsman is so fond,” The Spanien geek tor weelciecae laces Bh tas tic Sie? eis ek ceoka, eral ronda west converse, and from| Fargo via the Northern Pacitic road to West Superior the distanee is 210 uniles, and from West Superior co Sault Se. Nate, by the 1 Shore Allastio zoad tho Glctane® is 106 m.les ora total of G59 miles From Fargo to St Paul by the St. Daol, Mia neapciis & Mauitota road, the shortest be~ tween these ‘points, the distance is 242 iu St. aut to Sault, Ste. Marie ty tne “Soo! line, the mark dimect rout 2, te distance is 494 + les, or a tov of 736 mi muking the distonce from Baxgo 10 sant Ste via the Duluth, Suu: Sbore & At Jantie road eighty-one ries shorter than bY Hino rough St Paul, Tho distance to Sault Ste, Nar (eran teed to Huson, then by the Dalat, South Shore «& Atlantic railroad, 13 some twenty miles longer than by the direct “Soo” Tine, Lucas goon as the Duluh, South Shure havmg unlimited backing, whatever will be found for its interests will be done, as what ithas done in tho past isa guarantee for the future, With a good road bed, close ‘con- neesion with tne Omaha road at Mason, with te BEST OF ROLLING STOCK, wlth powerful engines. Fasiongerscon easily ult Ste, Marie in from sixteen outs afver_ stepping oa the . Pant or Mianexpolis. This road will ue aformidab:e competitor for te trade st,and during tha winter my ti ives D uth and the country di- rectly to th another outlet to the coast, and the immense traiic centering there will be readily brought to its desting tion at any of the ports on the Atlantic aca- board, ‘This road makes connection at Du- Juth and West Superior with all the roads centering at that point; at Mason, G1 miles cast, with the Chicago, St, Pan', Minneapolis & Omaba; at Marengo, 74 miles, with the Wiseonsin Central; at Saxon, 94 miles, with the Milwaukee, Like Sore & Westera for the Gogebie range; at Nestoria, with the Houghton braneb, 49 miles nortia; ab Cham- pion, 220 miles, with the Miwankea és Norchern; ut Neguunes 259 silen, with the Cniergo & western; st Sco Junction, Sov road, and 47 miles farther, ab Bault Ste. Maria; with, the Gano, diaa Pacific for New England pointe, Boston and New York Marquette being the head- tho road, it t and tha present whole- here will be greatly enlarged, and tiusthe city will be benefited to the greatest possible extent, ‘The shops at this point are extensive, bub the grounds are too small even for the presenttrattic, and the yards will Bave to be extended long the shore of thelsketowards the Carp river, This may gtve the cesired rum, as the lake recrfe_ lla up for some Gistanee and the ‘The city would do requisite plant pat wrell to treat the road liberally, as elsa great support to the city. ‘Think af the millions of tors of ore that, have heen shipped over eae road art the ore docks, and oe Bie naira vessele brought here to cary that ore, pated the amount of moacy for supplies to ‘those vessels, and you havo some faint idea of the income of she city from this resource. You have a harbor that hasfew equalson the Jakes, and the improvements oa the govern. ment breaswater will add ta the security ef worseis loading and unlonding. Let your shipping interests, both of tandand water, work hand in hand and you will see a boom, ahealthy boom, of all kinds of material in crease as this city has never had in its pre- vious history. | THE IRON OUTPUT. ‘The following are the total shipments from the several ports at which iron ore hos been abtpped for the pusy three yeurs, show- ing that 1888 has the lorgest ovtput, al- though the season ot its commencement was exceedingly dull, with large stocks at man- ‘facturing pyigts The oxy ywatis given. ja tons: 1886, es7 1888. farquettens., 803,411 | 841,095 eaten 2. “OR 2.202 965 | summer hotel, as the Milwaukee, 1 4 Western sod has one at she southera end al ed, while the seeuery in prefera- bie abthe northern end. Here yeu may have 1) HE FISHING DESIR with row ard salt boats, and if ‘you are fond of venison eroik of your. oid Aulliug tu geavon. Youway also have plenty af heat'e meat, feathered fow! and other came, of which the sportsman is so fond.’ The country is good for settlement, that civilizer of ull eountries—the stezm iron mines give you a pome market. for years they will be unable to supply |the home demand,and the zailway, being | within your reaoh, will bring your products | to whatever poino you may desire, ‘As a throaga carrying road the Dulath, South Shore & Atlantio stands in the first | Tank. Fargo 1 a point to which the sev- B e Sliore following are the total shipments from the eeverai ports at which iron ore hus been shipped for the past three years, show- ing that 1888 has the largest output, al- the soncon ot ite commencement waa | exceedingly dull, with large stocks at man- jafaaeaaias ppigth, The ary ynnt js. given. ja, 3 are aces ot nore, and i this the “ara atte range is the leader, At is the oldest field and any one of the other ranges The output tor the las; two years, aud also she totals sineo tho ranges were opened aro given, showing what « wonderful amount of wealsh hag flown from the iron regions of ‘the | North: Ranga | «1887, Potala | Maranette... 18eidag 1 ae toe 27,038,200 8)285,953 426/73 33% ap3eab! 450,478 11486)781 seollansouis. 400,000 "402,320 4,798,908 5,021,948 40,509,090 The Jnekson mine; Negeunee, shows a production o£ 29,000 tons prior to 1804, | when she Glevsland mine at Ishpeming wat ned. Sinee that time many cthers were opetied in that range, while many tha have boen opened at diferent periods have been abandoned, ‘The Menomines range was next begun in 1877, whon the Yelean | showed au output of 4.598 tons. The Goge- bio and Vermillion ranges wera both cpened | Pio same year, 1884, the Colhy, ns only | mlae showing an output of 1,022 fons, and | tho Minnesota In sullion slowed an output the same Year of 124. "he Colby is now tho largest ro opened. Bolow you fre provonted with tue namen of tha ‘mayoral mines ab work during che past year, and also their oucptt, with the points trom which the ores have heen shippad, Howover,in thene tabive no aveous of tie amtouns shipped by rail Is taken, whieh, from all the mines in the several ranges, is estimated ta be over 400,000 tons, ‘The demand tor iron ore is so nrext that railway shipment will be con Huiaued all winter, thus increasing the ous 104s23)Stpa Gongncaircitt “Sheds Rertae. is sists ueidoa d Great iWestera! “asa” | Florance. 199, 451/V |z 20 sald | 2 | i sz stow [a SE ea Total, ss Semtyieepabtie.. rior, ox eo) Beperioe emia” SELODS.sevonane uianeses. 2 Peter White's Scrap Book No. 3 = 1889 ;ootl sam teen. 90,358 mien. 270,608)Paint River .... 29,638 S ot ee. Rn Bia: 0,927 | a+ 199,648 Poona: 32,692 LY iva Mase 1,119,128 8.088 cose 08,998 208,365 falhy, Soh’ 2.” 11 0)Penee ia enn tie selodi Minnesota Tron company, eto. 4GX875